Professorin Dr. Dany Meyer

Professor of Software Engineering

Deputy women's representative of the university

Study Advisor Data Science Management

Extraordinary Professor at the University of the Western Cape - Cape Town (South Africa)

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1511

Location: Main Building A, A.1.41

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Wileystraße 1
89231 Neu-Ulm
Danny Meyer

Current Lectures

  • Software Engineering
  • Car-IT
  • Programming (Java)
  • Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
  • (Methods and Tools for Data Analysis and Reporting)
  • (Web Engineering)


  • S. Westfahl, D. Meyer-Renner, A. Bagula: Building Complex Augmented Reality User Manuals: Dynamic Modular Assembly on Demand, in IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, Vol. 8 2024

  • S. Westfahl, D.Meyer-Renner, A.Bagula: A Framework for the Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a multi-variant Augmented Reality Application, in 14th ITU Academic Conference: Extended reality − How to boost quality of experience and interoperability, Accra (Ghana) 2022

  • D. Meyer, S. Fausser: Hackathons thrills not only nerds: best practices for a multicultural and multidisciplinary approach, in Proceedings of 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), Seville (Spain) 2022

  • D. Meyer, S. Fausser: A Framework for the Design, Implementation and Evaluation of AI based real-life learning Scenarios for computer science non-majors, in Proceedings of 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), Seville (Spain) 2022

  • C.Kocian-Dirr, D.Meyer: Innovative Hochschullehre für die Studieneingangsphase, in: 10x10, Ulm, Online 2022

  • D.Meyer, J.Gebele, F.Laschet: Smartes Raum Monitoring als Beispiel einer vernetzten IoT-Architektur, in: IT Kongress der HNU 2021, Neu-Ulm, Online 2021

  • B.Kellermayer, D.Meyer, A.Kirmaier, M.Stirzel, B.Bergande: Raising Motivation of Programming Novices? Findings from a Controlled Laboratory Experiment Using Anki Vector™ Robots, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Education (IEEE TALE) 2020, Online 2020

  • A.Gressmann, E.Weilemann, D.Meyer, B.Bergande: Nao Robot vs. Lego Mindstorms: The Influence on the Intrinsic Motivation of Computer Science Non-Majors, in Proceedings of the 19th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling) 2019, Finnland 2019

  • T.Engel, D.Meyer, J.Vogt: An integrated concept for supply chain analytics in Small-medium sized enterprises; in: 13th Annual Conference of Midwest United States Association for Information Systems (MWAIS), University of Missouri – St. Louis, Missouri 2018
  • D.Meyer, B.Bergande, D.Seyser: Yes We CAN: A Low-Cost Approach To Simulate Real-World Automotive Platforms in Systems Engineering Education for Non-Computer Science Majors; in: 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Teneriffa 2018
  • R.Reuter, F.Hauser, C.Gold-Veerkamp, T.Stark, J.Kis, J.Mottok, J.Abke, D.Meyer: Towards the construction of a questionnaire for the identification of learning obstacles; in: 2018 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Teneriffa 2018
  • T.Engel, O.Jacob, D.Meyer, J.Vogt: Data is the new oil - What's my benefit? In: Airtec 2017, Hamburg (2017)
  • D. Meyer, A. Batzner: Engaging computer science non-majors by teaching K-12 pupils programming: first experiences with a large-scale voluntary program, in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling) 2016, Finnland (2016)
  • A.Batzner, D.Meyer: CODING KIDS: Grundschüler lernen Programmieren - Ein Ehrenamtsprojekt von Studierenden und Jugendlichen, in Engagierte Hochschule: Warum sich Hochschulen für das Gemeinwohl engagieren, Illertissen (2016)
  • E. Weilemann, P. Brune, D. Meyer: Geek Toys for Non-Techies? Using Robots in Introductory Programming Courses for Computer Science Non-Majors, in Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2016, pp. 31-40, Kauai (2016).
  • Meyer, D.: Modellbasierte Mehrzieloptimierung mit neuronalen Netzen und Evolutionsstrategien, Dissertation, Fakultät für Informatik und Automatisierung, TU Ilmenau (2004)
  • Meyer, D.: MOMBES – Multiobjective Modellbased Evolution Strategy; Forschungsberichte Künstliche Intelligenz FKI-246-02, Institut für Informatik, TU München (2002)
  • Meyer, D.: Modellbasierte Mehrzieloptimierung verfahrenstechnischer Produktionsprozesse mit Neuronalen Netzen und Evolutionsstrategien, in VDI Berichte 1526, Computational Intelligence im industriellen Einsatz, Tagung des VDI und der GI, Baden-Baden (2000)
  • Meyer, D.; Eder, K.: Data Driven Process Modeling and Batch Optimization with Neural Networks and Modified Evolutionary Strategies, in.: Fuzzy-Neuro-Systems; Leipziger Universitätsverlag (1999)
  • Meyer, D.; Eder, K.: Adaptive Merkmalsextraktion und Klassifikation am Beispiel von Getriebeschaltdruckkurven; in: Neuro-Fuzzy-Technologien in der Microsystemtechnik; Dresden (1997)





  • 3th Best Paper Award: S. Westfahl, D.Meyer-Renner, A.Bagula: A Framework for the Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a multi-variant Augmented Reality Application, in 14th ITU Academic Conference: Extended reality − How to boost quality of experience and interoperability, Accra (Ghana) 2022
  • „Award for excellent digital teaching 2020“ of HNU
  • 2th Best Paper Award: D. Meyer, A. Batzner: Engaging computer science non-majors by teaching K-12 pupils programming: first experiences with a large-scale voluntary program, in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling) 2016, Finnland (2016)

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion:

Con­sult­ing hours

Thursday:  from 2pm to 3:30pm

only by prior arrangement by e-mail or telephone