Mas­ter of Health In­form­a­tion Man­age­ment

A col­lab­or­at­ive Mas­ter pro­gramme in four coun­tries: South Africa, Kenya, Tan­zania, and Ger­many

The postgraduate Master programme in Health Information Management was a joint project between between Kenya Methodist University (KeMU), University of the Western Cape (UWC), Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), and Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU).

Project duration
2013 - 2018
Project sponsor

More in­form­a­tion

Pro­ject de­scrip­tion

Health Information Management is the management of ICT to collect, store, process, retrieve, analyze, disseminate and communicate information related to the planning, provision, research and evaluation of healthcare services. Health Information Management is a challenging profession involving the application of clinical knowledge, aspects of information technology, database management and administration.

This course combined information management, healthcare management, business studies, health informatics and integrates intercultural communication and personal leadership competencies and addresses professionals in healthcare / hospital management from Africa and Germany. This collaborative Master programme was grouped into three teaching semesters of 6 weeks each with full-time lectures and it was held at the HNU in Germany, the Methodist University in Kenya or MUHAS in Tanzania and at UWC in South Africa. Three cohorts of students  graduated successfully and are contributing to the development of the health care sectors in their countries.

Follow-on project: Health Data Analytics

funded by the DAAD with financial means of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)