Part­n­ers & Net­­work

Our Part­ners in Africa

The Africa Institute maintains relations to the following countries in Africa:

Ethiopia, Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda

Our Net­work

Be­sides co­oper­a­tions with sev­eral pro­ject part­ners, the Africa In­sti­tute is in­volved in the net­works BRIAS, ARE, UAS Africa, Ger­man-African Busi­ness As­so­ci­ation and Africa First Net­work!


Bavarian Research Institute of African Studies (BRIAS)

Bav­arian Re­search In­sti­tute of African Stud­ies (BRIAS)

The Bavarian Research Institute of African Studies (BRIAS) combines Africa-related disciplines and research competencies in cooperation with the Universities of Bayreuth and Würzburg, the Ingolstadt University of Technology and the HNU. The HNU focuses on health management, blended learning and practically oriented entrepreneurship education. As an interdisciplinary platform, BRIAS aims to network existing scientific expertise in Bavarian Africa research, to strengthen university cooperation with partners in Africa, to establish new teaching modules and to develop joint future-oriented projects.


UAS Africa

UAS Africa

Together with the universities of applied sciences of Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Flensburg and Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, HNU has founded the UAS Africa Network. This represents 5 theses on the model of applied sciences for African universities and is therefore essential for a sustainable cooperation with Africa.

German-African Business Association

Ger­man-African Busi­ness As­so­ci­ation

The German-African Business Association is a non-profit association with around 500 members, mostly German, but also European or African. Through the AV's excellent network, the association offers valuable contacts and communication with national as well as international companies, institutions, universities, private individuals and partner organizations. Members are thus supported in their activities in African countries. In addition, their interests are represented to political authorities. One main goal of the AV is to ensure an opportunity-oriented Africa policy. In the future, the HNU Africa Institute will conduct workshops and events together with other AV members, targeting political decision-makers and company representatives, for example. In the course of its membership, the Africa Institute is significantly expanding its network in terms of German companies interested in Africa. This will also enable an optimization and extension of the portfolio of services for companies and cooperation partners who want to work with the Africa Institute.


Africa First Network

Africa First Net­work

Since Africa is a continent of opportunities and the challenges of the future can only be tackled together with Europe, the Africa First Network is supporting projects in Africa, for instance. Through a wide network with numerous actors such as investors, entrepreneurs and financial experts, projects can be planned and realized that are not only profitable for the parties involved, but also for society and the environment.

Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE)

Al­li­ance for Rural Elec­tri­fic­a­tion (ARE)

The Alliance for Rural Electrification exists since 2006 and is the oldest and largest association dealing with and promoting decentralized electrification. Thus, the ARE is a strong and important partner for the Africa Institute. ARE's vision is that by 2030, there should be worldwide access to affordable, secure and clean energy.