
We research and publish books, studies and articles in journals and conferences on various topics around Digital Transformation, Digital Strategy, Digital Maturity, Digital Implementation, Design Thinking and more.

Se­lec­ted book pub­lic­a­tions of the IDT

Schallmo, Daniel R.A. and Lohse, Jochen (2020)
Digitalstrategien erfolgreich entwickeln : Grundlagen, Ansätze und Vorgehensweise. (opens in a new window)
Gabler, Wiesbaden. ISBN 978-3-658-31242-8


Journal and con­fer­ence pa­pers


As part of contract research projects, we prepare studies for companies and organizations.

Study Maturity Level Mastering Digital Transformation

In this study, the Institute for Digital Transformation looks at the maturity level of companies in digitalization. The evaluation is based on a survey conducted as part of the Massive Open Online Course "Mastering Digital Transformation".

Download study maturity level MOOC (opens in a new window)


Study on digitalization in the Cluster Commercial Vehicles Swabia (CNS)

In this study, the Institute for Digital Transformation (IDT) analyzed the current state of digitalization in the companies of the Commercial Vehicles Swabia cluster. Further objectives of the study were to identify trends and point out relevant areas with need for action.

Download study digitalization CNS (opens in a new window)

Fur­ther Links

Further publications can be found on the professors' profile pages:

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