Ca­pa­city Build­ing Blen­ded Learn­ing

In cooperation with Strathmore Business School (SBS) and supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), HNU Africa Institute has shared its competences and experiences in the area of Blended Learning with the Strathmore University in Nairobi Kenya.


Project duration
2015 - 2018
Project sponsor
[Translate to English:] group picture of project members
Kick-Off Mee­ting at Strath­mo­re Busi­ness School

Pro­ject sched­ule

  • 2015First HMHP Course Con­duc­ted

    In the first year of the CBBL Project the successful partnership with Strathmore Business School (SBS) started with a Kick-Off meeting in Nairobi. Here the plans for the upcoming the first blended learning Hospital Management for Hospital Management (HMHP) course were made.

    When the course was launched in May 2015 it featured:

    • 25 participants from 9 different Kenyan hospitals
    • First usage of the HNU mobile learning app
    • Two face-to-face workshops
    • A five month e-/m-Learning phase with materials available both on- and offline
    • Transfer projects with local hospitals
    • Co-operative online tutoring together with SBS staff
  • 2016In­ter­na­tional Cer­ti­fic­a­tion of the HMHP Course

    In 2016 after the successful completion of the first HMHP Course run and the accompanying course evaluation the main project goal was to reach a certification for the course. This was reached in December after a successfull application to the Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (ZEvA).

    2016 also marked the start of the first e-Learning lessons developed together with Strathmore Business School (SBS) to initiate the future in-house production of lessons in an e-/m-Learning format at SBS to conduct their own blended learning courses.

  • 2017De­vel­op­ment of New E-Learn­ing Les­sons

    The development of new e-learning lessons was continued in 2017 and in total 12 new lessons were developed as addition to the HMHP course:

    • Leadership and Governance
    • Capital Budgeting
    • Business Intelligence

    The demand for these new lessons resulted from course evaluations and the lessons were incorporated in the new HMHP course run which started in December 2017.

  • 2018Con­clu­sion and Eval­u­ation

    To achieve the main goal, the substitution of the existing HMHP learning content with self-developed content from Strathmore University, a curriculum was developed. In addition to discussing the curriculum, training was also provided in the Articulate Storyline software again, as well as an introduction to video and audio track production.

    A final workshop on the second run of the blended learning course was held in July 2018. The partner university, SBS, delivered this course largely on their own.

    To support content development and verify compliance with quality standards, Strathmore Business School project staff traveled to Neu-Ulm to work on content with HNU staff. Video and audio production methods were again demonstrated, as well as the development of interactions and tests.

Pro­ject Team
