Mo­bile An­wendun­gen im Ge­sund­heit­swesen - DMP

The students are familiar with the structure of mobile applications in healthcare. This includes the architecture of such an application (e.g. server and (mobile) client). They learn about the requirements of different application scenarios and are able to transfer these requirements to other scenarios. Students acquire rudimentary technical skills, e.g. different development approaches, communication between mobile application and server, databases or established standards. In particular, students will learn about legal regulations in the context of mobile applications and how to protect collected (personal) data, such as pseudonymization or anonymization. Students will learn about process management and established modeling languages that can be used to document processes in medical applications. Students will learn how to interact with process management systems and mobile applications to support structured workflows.


Pre­con­di­tions in Terms of Con­tent

The lecture does not require any programming experience. Technical
fundamentals are treated only rudimentarily and superficially, so that
students with no technical experience can also take this elective course.
can take this elective.


The lecture materials are managed via Moodle and offered there.


Ungraded, practical exercises accompanying lecture material.

Lan­guage and Type

presence, German



SWS: 4



Every summer semester




Written exam, 90 min or oral exam 30min. Depending on the number of participants.
To be determined at the beginning of the semester