Ein­führung in Global Health

In the seminar, students first receive an introduction to the history and important actors and topics in Global Health. Subsequently, the students work on a question about current topics in Global Health and present it.

The students work on a self-selected question on a current Global Health topic in self-study. They presented their findings to the course in the form of a presentation and lead the ensuing discussion. They summarize their findings and important aspects of the discussion in a one-page policy brief.

Lec­ture Con­tent

  • History of Global Health
  • Major players in Global Health
  • Current and selected topics in Global Health

Pre­con­di­tions in Terms of Con­tent

No formal preconditions



The lecture materials are managed via Moodle and offered there.


Felix Holl

Responsible for the module: Prof. Dr. Walter Swoboda

Lan­guage and Type

Seminar in presence, German


Lec­ture Hours


SWS: 2



Currently not offered



Presentation of elaboration on a current issue in global health, leading the ensuing discussion & one-page summary (policy brief).

Mod­ule Manual