Grundla­gen der Pro­gram­mentwicklung - DPM

The students are able to describe elementary concepts and methods of computer science. They can evaluate a first programming language and solve manageable problems through its practical use. Students can name and describe basic data structures (arrays, lists, trees, graphs), elementary structuring and processing mechanisms (object orientation, modularization, divide-and-conquer, iteration, recursion), and standard algorithms for searching and sorting. Students can interpret formal means of description and are able to evaluate them. They can also analyze and evaluate programs.

Moodle Course Re­gis­tra­tion

If attending the lecture, please enroll in the Moodle course: Link (opens in a new window)


Lec­ture Con­tent

  • Elementary concepts, principles and methods of computer science
  • Basic knowledge of programming an object-oriented language using the example of JavaScript / TypeScript
  • Definition of the term algorithm
  • Basic principles of software engineering
  • Basic concepts of imperative programming languages (syntax, semantics, elementary data types, data and control structures)
  • Dynamic data structures and their processing (lists, trees, graphs, recursion)
  • Concepts of object orientation (encapsulation, inheritance)
  • Elementary search and sorting algorithms

Pre­con­di­tions in Terms of Con­tent

No formal preconditions.



Bring your own laptop to all lectures.



Practice-oriented exercises

Lan­guage and Type

Presence with eLearning, German

Lec­ture Hours

Mo. 8:15-11:35am A.1.71



SWS: 4



Every semester



Written exam