Wis­senschaft­liches Arbeiten - BGW

The general aim of the course is to familiarize students with basic techniques of scientific work. This course is not primarily about imparting knowledge but about learning the basic techniques of scientific work.

Moodle Course Re­gis­tra­tion

If attending the lecture, please enroll in the Moodle course: link (opens in a new window)

Lec­ture Con­tent

  • Basic concepts of scientific work
  • 8 steps to scientific work
  • Formulation of research questions and PICO criteria
  • Conducting literature searches
  • Structure of a scientific paper
  • Presentation of a scientific paper

Prcon­di­tions in Terms of Con­tent

No formal preconditions.



The lecture materials are managed via Moodle and offered there.


Small assignments (mostly ungraded) as a lead-in to the coursework & presentation.


Felix Holl

Responsible for the module: Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhn

Lan­guage and Type

Seminar-style with group work, German


Lec­ture Hours

Tu 14:00 - 15:30


SWS: 2
ECTS: 2,5




Every semester

