
At the HNU, commitment is lived out. More than a third of our students are involved in student initiatives or work on a voluntary basis outside the university.

Learn­ing through en­gage­ment

Volunteering enables you to apply the knowledge you have gained during your studies in practice and to acquire key qualifications for your future professional life. For many companies the topic of corporate social responsibility is becoming increasingly important.

There is a wide range of engagement formats, some of which are specially tailored to the needs of students. These include informal, non-binding programmes such as the "Aktionshelfer". Here you can get involved in individual activities according to your interests. 

Your activity will be accompanied in the online course "Lernen durch Engagement" (opens in a new window) , in which you will reflect on your learning progress and competence acquisition and subsequently receive a certificate.

Com­mit­ment along­side your stud­ies

Student representation

The student representation consists of members elected by the students, the student convention and volunteers who work within the departments and represent your interests towards the university and various committees.

LIONS Club Campus Neu-Ulm

The LIONS Club Campus Neu-Ulm has set itself the task of carrying out projects and activities together in friendly solidarity to enrich the social life at the HNU and the region according to the principles of Lions Clubs International.

Engineers without borders e.V.

The relief organisation Engineers without borders e.V. (Ingenieure ohne Grenzen e.V.) was founded in 2003 and is divided into 30 regional groups throughout Germany. Among other things, it carries out projects in the fields of water and energy supply and infrastructure development.

Student team move

The student team move promotes commitment and sustainability at the HNU and supports students in implementing their own ideas in these areas.

ponte consult e.V.

ponte consult e.V., das ist die studentische Unternehmensberatung an der Hochschule Neu-Ulm und besteht aus engagierten Studenten und Studentinnen.

ROCK YOUR LIFE! Ulm/Neu-Ulm e.V.

ROCK YOUR LIFE! qualifies committed students as mentors, who accompany each student individually and continuously for two years on their way to a career.

Einstein Motorsport

The Einstein Motorsport Team is a group of motorsport enthusiastic students who plan, design and finally manufacture a racing car in its entirety.


Arbeiterkind encourages pupils from families without university experience to be the first in their family to study.

Co­oper­a­tion with vol­un­tary agen­cies

HNU's ZiieL cooperates closely with the volunteer agencies in the region. In October 2017, the cooperation was put on a formal footing by the conclusion of a  cooperation agreement (opens in a new window) . The goal is to promote the potential for social innovation in the Ulm / Neu-Ulm region. ZiieL ist member of the steering group "Engaged City Neu-Ulm".

