ROCK YOUR LIFE! Ulm/Neu-Ulm e.V.

We build bridges between pu­pils, stu­dents and com­pan­ies. All over Ger­many.

Our ap­proach

ROCK YOUR LIFE! qualifies committed students as mentors, who accompany one student individually and continuously for two years on his or her way to a career.

Both pupils and students benefit from ROCK YOUR LIFE!

Pupils ...

  • ... improve their academic performance;
  • ... expand their social skills and perspectives;
  • ... improve their ability to reflect;
  • ... seize new opportunities and thus also improve their chances of a successful start to their training;
  • ... shape their future on their own initiative and with self-confidence once they have successfully completed the ROCK YOUR LIFE! program.

Students ...

  • ... improve important social skills;
  • ... are made aware of their social responsibility;
  • ... can use the experience gained from mentoring later in their profession - possibly in management positions.

The back­ground: Why ROCK YOUR LIFE! is ur­gently needed

The success of a young person in Germany depends more than in almost any other OECD country on his or her socio-economic background. For children from educationally disadvantaged milieus, this often means: a cycle of inherited lack of prospects and poor opportunities for advancement. Particularly affected are Hauptschule pupils, who often have not found an apprenticeship even a year after graduation or have already broken off their education.

Our vis­ion: Sus­tain­able ef­fects for pu­pils, stu­dents and so­ci­ety

ROCK YOUR LIFE! pursues a simple vision against the backgrounds mentioned above: a society in which educational justice, equal opportunities and integration are a reality for all people who want to develop themselves. A society in which the people who have been lucky in life shake hands with socially and economically disadvantaged young people. A society in which every person meets someone else who assures them: "You are great and I believe in you. Take your dreams and your life in your hands and ROCK YOUR LIFE!"

You can find more brand new information on the website of ROCK YOUR LIFE! Ulm/New Ulm e.V. (opens in a new window)​​​​​​​

Fur­ther In­form­a­tion