LIONS Cam­pus Club

We serve – Wir helfen.

If you're a Lion, you help.

Whether in projects for children and young people, supporting the visually impaired or in third world countries - every "Lion" volunteers his or her time to help people in need. Direct people from the neighbourhood are just as much a part of this as those in need around the world. In addition to social goals, Lions Clubs International also supports cultural projects and promotes international understanding, tolerance, humanity and education.

Students of the university as well as professors and employees are equally involved in the implementation of this task. If you are interested, you can find further information on the web pages or at the e-mail address provided.

Why become a Lion?

Lions do good! Worldwide, there are now 1.4 million Lions members who are committed to tolerance in human coexistence and who help with donations of money and goods or through direct personal involvement in focal points of need, whether locally or worldwide, and especially want to help:

serve the community

  • develop friendly relations between peoples
  • support their fellow men in spiritual and material need
  • Through local and international cooperation, the worldwide network of Lions has far better resources to help their communities.

Lions can do more together than each individual can do alone. Lions help efficiently and effectively. They are the largest service club in the world and the only one that is heard at the United Nations.

What is special about a Lions club campus?

Lions clubs at universities (and colleges) develop projects and activities to meet the specific needs of local universities and provide members with the opportunity to implement new ideas.

A LIONS club campus also represents the entire university community, including students, faculty members, entrepreneurs and many others. This diversity allows the club to draw on a wealth of experience and skills. It is an effective way to solve community problems and give members the opportunity to learn from each other.

What's in it for me as a student?

In addition to the good feeling of having achieved something good, you also get the chance to further your education from the very beginning.

Take on management responsibility, gain practical experience, get personal contact with professors and entrepreneurs from the region ...

These are just a few of the benefits of membership in a Lions Campus Club.

How does one become a Lion?

To support the goals, policies and projects, contact your local Lions club.

For example, contact the person listed on these pages and express your interest. This is the only way to learn more about the important and varied work of Lions.

Fur­ther In­form­a­tion

If you would like to know more, we would be very pleased if you contact us. You will find contact details at the bottom of the page.

Even if you are only interested in making a donation for our activities or for the realization of our goals, we would be very pleased. The donation account information can also be found at the bottom of the page.

Typi­fic­a­tion ac­tion

For the inclusion of potential donors in the stem cell donor file to fight blood cancer

Further information about the action "Be a hero. Donate life (opens in a new window)"

Em­bel­lish­ment of the newly foun­ded Kin­der­insel

More information about the Kinderinsel.

Ac­tion "Christ­mas in a shoe box": Christ­mas presents for poor chil­dren in East­ern Europe.


LIONS Club Campus Neu-Ulm

E-mail: info[at]lions-neu-ulm[dot]de

Dona­tions to the LIONS Club Cam­pus Neu-Ulm

Name: Lions-Hilfswerk e.V. 
IBAN: DE68 7305 0000 0440 1585 17
Subject: Lions Club Campus
