Wo­men.Do­ing.Sci­ence: Qual­i­fic­a­tion Pro­gramme for Ju­nior Fe­male Re­search­ers

Dr. habil. Felicitas Meifert-Menhard, Programmleitung und Prof. Dr. Claudia Kocian-Dirr, Beauftragte für die Gleichstellung von Frauen in Wissenschaft und Kunst

We support junior female researchers on their path to earning a PhD and becoming a professor.

The structured qualification programme Women.Doing.Science supports you as research assistant at HNU in your individual career planning through informational events on PhD and professorship, counselling offers and a broad spectrum of workshops and coachings. Interested female academic staff can also connect with experienced mentors from academia and the business world. 

By taking part in events of the programme, you can earn the certificate Women.Doing.Science. [more information here]

Fre­quently Asked Ques­tions

How can I participate in the programme?

All female scientific research assistants at HNU can participate in the programme at any time. A planned or running Ph.D. project is not a prerequisite for joining the programme. You can register for the programme's events or individual consultation with Dr. Felicitas Meifert-Menhard.


How is Women.Doing.Science organised?

Women.Doing.Science is built on four columns:


In each of these areas, the programme offers manifold events that train different skills and interdisciplinary competencies: communication and presentation, academic skills, leadership and management, as well as networking and career planning.

By participating regularly in events of the programme, female research assistants at HNU can obtain the certificate "Women.Doing.Science".

What is the duration of the programme?

The programme runs continuously; entering the programme is possible at any time for female junior researchers at HNU.


Who is the contact person?

Dr. habil. Felicitas Meifert-Menhard heads and coordinates the qualification programme Women.Doing.Science at HNU.

She works in close cooperation with the women's representative Prof. Claudia Kocian-Dirr, as well as with the Academic Manager of Diversity and Equality Magdalena Fremdling and the HNU Equal Opportunity Officer Paula Gressmann.

Can I participate as interested female student in selected events?

If you are interested in the contents of the programme as a female student and are considering an academic career, you are very welcome to contact the programme lead Dr. habil. Felicitas Meifert-Menhard. It is possible for female students to participate in selected events of the programme.

Fur­ther In­form­a­tion

Be­come a Pro­fessor!

Get a Ph.D., collect teaching experience, become a professor!

Events & Dates

Girls' Day and SummerSchool, workshops for university students, workshops and coachings for research assistants, informational events...

Team & Ad­vis­ory Ser­vices

We are glad to be here for you!