Coun­selling in spe­cial life situ­ations


Life does not stop at the gates of HNU: we are under pressure in our studies, have too little time for ourselves, financial worries, are expecting a child, are looking after a family member in need of care, have self-doubt, are ill...
In such times, take advantage of the counselling services offered by HNU. We would like to help you to be able to continue your studies or your professional activity as quickly and smoothly as possible: confidentially, low-threshold, free of charge, promptly.


Office hours

Office hours

Tuesday      12.30 bis 14.00 pm
Thursday    14.00 bis 16.00 pm
and by arrangement


Other points of con­tact:


Chris­toph Giebeler

Head of the Family and Social Counseling Center / BIZEPS

Healthy University Project Management

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1444

Location: Main Building B, B.2.06

To profile of Christoph Giebeler

Christoph Giebeler