Study­ing with dis­ab­il­it­ies

Studying with disabilities
Studying with disabilities

The Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences would like to enable students with disabilities or chronic illnesses to participate in their studies and student life on an equal and independent basis. If you are already interested in studying at the HNU, we recommend that you contact us to clarify any questions and discuss possible individual solutions. We offer you...

  • ...a uni­versity build­ing that is fully ac­cess­ible and us­able for people with dis­ab­il­it­ies

    • Designated disabled parking spaces
    • Drive-on ramps
    • Automatically controlled doors
    • Lifts
    • Barrier-free access to lecture halls, seminar and PC rooms as well as the cafeteria and library
    • Disabled toilets
  • our lib­rary:

    • Several databases for visually impaired users with read aloud function
    • Headphones at the service counter for borrowing (we advise which databases offer these read-aloud functions)
    • A wheelchair accessible, wider carrel
    • Height-adjustable catalogue research workstations in the reading room
    • And much, much more - click here to go to the library

Get an idea!

For prospective students with physical disabilities, we offer personal counselling and a visit to the premises (e.g. seminar rooms, library, cafeteria, toilets). You can see for yourself on site whether the building and facilities are suitable for your needs.

Please make an appointment. If necessary, we will also support you in applying for other aids (e.g. sign language interpreter, technical aids).

Links & down­loads

Rep­res­ent­at­ive for the severely dis­abled

Bodo Mahnke

Lecturer in English

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1451

Location: Main Building B, B.2.07

To profile of Bodo Mahnke

Bodo Mahnke