
Li­censed data­bases

Communication and media sciences

Com­mu­nic­a­tion & Mass Me­dia Com­plete (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: communication, linguistics, rhetoric, speech-language pathology, publishing studies
  • contents: journal articles, e-books
  • language: English
  • additional information: full texts often with read-aloud function

Computer and information science

ACM Di­gital Lib­rary (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: computer and information technology
  • contents: journal articles, congress reports, newsletters, reviews
  • language: English
  • additional information: User Guide

AIS eLib­rary (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: computer science, economic sciences
  • contents: journal articles, method descriptions
  • language: English
  • access: contents only partially licensed; limited EZproxy access, i. e. you need to start EZproxy afterwards

IEEE Elec­tronic Lib­rary (IEL) (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: electrical engineering, communications, and computing.
  • contents: journal articles and conference proceedings of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
  • language: Englisch
  • access: not all content is licensed, for full texts only, please restrict the hit list to "Subscribed Content".
  • additional information: User Guide and Video Tutorials

Rhein­werk <open­book> (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: computer science
  • contents: HTML versions of previous editions or books that are no longer available are available. In individual cases, you will find open books here that only contain parts of a printed book
  • language: German
  • access: open access

Economic sciences (top databases)

ABI/In­form Global (open new win­dow)

  • subjects: economic sciences, management
  • contents: journal articles, newspaper articles, theses
  • language: English

Busi­ness Source Elite (BSE) (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: economic sciences, management
  • contents: journal articles, e-books, company information
  • language: English
  • additional information: full texts often with read-aloud function;  video tutorial

Eco­n­Biz (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: Business administration, economics
  • contents: Journal articles, working papers, conference papers (references and full texts)
  • language: German, English
  • access: freely accessible search portal of the Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW); new search tool: search in the so-called "TOP 5" journals of economics

Em­er­ald In­sight (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: economic sciences
  • contents: journal articles
  • language: English

Eur­omon­itor Pass­port (opens new win­dow)

NWB Daten­bank (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: fiscal law, business law, accounting
  • contents: journal articles, jurisdiction, commentaries, model contracts, tools
  • language: German

OECD iLib­rary (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: economics
  • contents: studies, statistics
  • language: English
  • additional information: 2 video tutorials (introduction and advanced)

wiso (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: economic sciences, social sciences

  • contents: journal articles, newspaper articles
  • language: mainly German
  • additional information: full texts with read-aloud function

Economic sciences (additional databases)

De Gruyter On­line / Re­search Now E-Journ­als (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: economic sciences, politic sciences, law
  • contents: journal articles
  • language: English

The Eco­nom­ist: His­tor­ical Archive (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: economic sciences
  • contents: full text archive of The Economist (1843-2010)
  • language: English

EIU Coun­try Re­ports Archive (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: economics
  • contents: statistics (monthly reports on all countries)
  • language: English

El­sevier Hand­books in Eco­nom­ics Series (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: economics, econometrics, finance
  • contents: handbooks
  • language: English

In­ter­na­tional Mon­et­ary Fund eLib­rary (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: economics, finance
  • contents: journal articles, e-books, statistics
  • language: English
  • access: open access

Spring­er­Link (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: economic sciences, web design
  • contents: journal articles
  • language: German, English
  • access: contents only partially licensed

World Bank eLib­rary Archive (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: all World Bank publications since 1993
  • contents: e-books, working papers, journal articles
  • language: German, English

General / non-specific (top databases)

F.A.Z.-Bib­lio­thek­s­portal (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: general

  • contents: full text archive of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
  • language: German

Linkedin Learn­ing (opens new win­dow)

  • contents: video courses on software, creativity and business
  • Language: in English, German and more languages.
  • Login on  LinkedIn Learning:

    • First enter your HNU e-mail address.
    • The HNU Single-Sign-On dialog will open up. Please enter your computer credentials.
    • Change the language in the top right corner.

SZ Lib­rary (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: general
  • contents: full text archive of Sueddeutsche Zeitung
  • language: German

Web of Sci­ence (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: cultural sciences, humanities, social sciences, technology, medicine
  • contents: journal articles
  • with Book Citation Index and Conference Proceedings Citation Index 

  • language: English

General / non-specific (additional databases)

BioOne On­line Journ­als (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: biosciences
  • contents: journal articles
  • language: English

El­sevier Journ­als (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: non-specific
  • contents: journal articles, partly also full texts
  • language: English

Green­File (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: ecology, environmentalism
  • contents: journal articles
  • language: English
  • additional information: full texts often with read-aloud function

Ox­ford Journ­als Di­gital Archive (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: non-specific
  • contents: journal articles
  • language: English

Peri­od­ic­als Archive On­line / PAO (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: cultural sciences, humanities, social sciences
  • contents: journal articles
  • language: English

Sage Journ­als (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: non-specific
  • contents: journal articles
  • language: English

Healthcare and medicine

Health­care Ad­min­is­tra­tion Data­base (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: health management
  • contents: journal articles, theses
  • language: English

LIVIVO (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: life sciences
  • contents: references (i. e. no full texts) of journal articles, grey literature
  • language: German
  • access: open access

med­hochz­wei On­line-Bib­lio­thek (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: health management, hospital management
  • contents: handbooks, textbooks, journal articles
  • language: German

PubMed (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: biomedicine, life sciences
  • contents: references (and sometimes full texts) of journal articles, grey literature, and e-books
  • language: English
  • access: open access

Thieme via medici (opens new win­dow)


Beck-on­line (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: law
  • contents: legislative texts (i. a. Schönfelder, Sartorius), standard legal works, journal articles (i. a. Die Wirtschaftsprüfung and Neue Juristische Wochenschrift), judgments and all publications of IDW
  • language: German
  • access: contents only partially licensed

De Gruyter On­line / Re­search Now E-Journ­als (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: economic sciences, politic sciences, law
  • contents: journal articles
  • language: English

LEX­in­form/In­fod­aten­bank (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: fiscal law, EU law, civil law, economic law
  • contents: jurisdictions, commentaries, news, thematic lexica, tools
  • language: German
  • access: for students via DFN (use your HNU computer credentials)

NWB Daten­bank (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: fiscal law, business law, accounting
  • contents: journal articles, jurisdiction, commentaries, model contracts, tools
  • language: German

Vir­tuelle Fach­bib­lio­thek für in­ter­na­tionale und in­ter­d­iszip­linäre Rechts­forschung (ViFa Recht) (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: law
  • contents: references (i. e. no full texts) of journal articles, grey literature
  • language: mainly German
  • access: open access


Psy­cArticles (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: psychology
  • contents: journal articles
  • language: English

Psy­Journ­als (Archiv) (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: psychology
  • contents: journal articles (from 2015, not the last two volumes)
  • language: English, German


dun & brad­street Firmend­aten­bank (opens new win­dow)

  • formerly under the name "Bisnode Firmendatenbank"
  • subjects: business economics
  • contents: company profiles
  • language: German
  • Licence expires at 30.09.2024.

Eur­omon­itor Pass­port (opens new win­dow)

OECD iLib­rary (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: economics
  • contents: studies, statistics
  • language: English
  • additional information: 2 video tutorials (introduction and advanced)

statista (opens new win­dow)

  • subjects: non-specific
  • contents: statistics, industry information, company information, infographics from more than 18.000 sources
  • language: German, English, Spanish, French

Need help?

Which database should I choose?

Unsure which database to choose? Unsure about the quality of your search results? Contact us for an individual consultation!

How can I learn how to search in databases?

There are several options:

I have a question on an individual database. Whom can I contact?

Your contact personDisciplines
Timo Guter 
  • communication and media sciences
  • computer and information science
  • economic sciences
  • general / non-specific
  • healthcare and medicine
  • psychology
Barbara Mäule-Müller


Karin O'Callaghan


Do I have remote access, too?

Yes, HNU members have remote access.

What are the terms of use?

You can learn more about this on our subpage terms of use for e-resources

Ad­di­tional of­fer­ings


Additional databases of all disciplines can be accessed via DBIS (opens in a new window) (Database Information System).

Tech­nical data­bases of Ulm Uni­versity of Ap­plied Sci­ences

DIN norms, VDI norms, patents (opens in a new window) and many additional technical databases are available at University of Applied Sciences Ulm (opens in a new window). You are allowed to copy norms to a USB drive.