Off-cam­pus ac­cess

HNU students and university staff can access our e-books and databases off campus: Log in via EZproxy (opens new window) (opens in a new window) by entering your HNU computer credentials, then choose the source you want to use.

Fre­quently asked ques­tions about EZ­proxy

How do I use EZproxy?

  1. Use your HNU credentials to log in via EZproxy (opens new window) (opens in a new window) .

  2. Choose your search entry point and click your way through from then on: EZproxy is active only in the EZproxy cover page and every new tab that can be opened by clicking a hyperlink from there. Tabs that have already been open do not become validated in retrospect - unless you create a bookmarklet for this specific purpose.

    EZproxy achieves this redirection by adding the prefix "" to your respective URL. You lose this prefix by clicking on links that lead you out of our licensed sources.

    A valid EZproxy session will always contain the prefix "ezproxy" in the URL. If your current URL does not contain this prefix anymore, you're session is not valid either.

    Always avoid the following actions in order to keep a valid session:

    • clicking on bookmarks/favourites in your browser
    • entering URLs manually
    • opening empty tabs

    All of the aforementioned actions let you leave the EZproxy environment and force you to restart your session.

I am a freshman and do not have a library account yet. How can I access e-books?

In order to access e-books, you need to enter your HNU computer credentials into EZproxy. These credentials are the same credentials you use when logging into your HNU mail account.

A library account becomes necessary only when borrowing or reserving physical copies from our collection.

Can I start EZproxy afterwards if I already have open tabs I want to validate?

Yes, you can: To do so, you create a clickable bookmarklet in your favorites bar. We created instructions for all popular browsers.

I cannot access a specific online content. What should I do?

  1. Please check whether there is still a "ezproxy"-prefix somewhere in your URL. If not, there is no valid EZproxy session. Please restart from EZproxy (opens new window) (opens in a new window) and click until you reach the desired online content.

  2. If you lose your session during the aforementioned click path again (i. e. if at some point your URL does not contain the "ezproxy"-prefix anymore), please send an e-mail to Timo Guter. Please name the online content (author, year, title) and the URL which has been displayed in your browser. Mr. Guter will then check whether the content is part of our licensed collection. If so, he will make a complaint to the EZproxy provider until access is granted again.