Start­ing EZ­proxy af­ter­wards

Why start af­ter­wards?

Starting EZproxy (opens new window) (opens in a new window) first and starting your search there is usually your best choice - but not always. Here are two cases where starting EZproxy afterwards is the better option:

  • You want to start your search somewhere else than on the EZproxy start page. If you encounter a promising result page, you reload the current tab via EZproxy (more on this later).
  • You need to use one of the databases with limited EZproxy access. These databases only support reloading result pages, so you have to start EZproxy afterwards.

How can I do this?

  1. Add the "Reload via EZproxy"-Button to your favorites bar of your browser. There is a how-to guide on this page.

  2. Start your search without EZproxy and navigate to the URL that provides a download link for the desired full text. (This is usuallly a single result page in a database or a single article in an online journal.)

  3. Click the "Reload via EZproxy"-Button in your favorites bar to convert the current tab into a valid EZproxy session. If you click this button for the first time, you will need to enter yout HNU computer credentials.

    The tab should now offer the desired full text if it is licensed by HNU. If you still cannot download the full text or if there is an error message instead of the result page, please contact the library for further help (contact information can be found on our homepage).

How to add the "Re­load via EZ­proxy"-But­ton in dif­fer­ent browsers

Up front: Which browser am I using?

You can identify your browser by its icon. Alternatively, you can right-click an open browser tab in your task menu: In between all options displayed, there will be the name of your browser.

Internet Explorer

  1. Make sure that your favorites list is visible. If it is still invisible, use this manual (opens in a new window) to enable it.

  2. On the EZproxy starting page, click "Reload via EZproxy", hold it and drag it into your favorites bar. The browser now asks you if you want do add this bookmarklet. Confirm by clicking Yes.

  3. You can now use the Reload command: Go to an already open tab that has no EZproxy session. Click the Reload command in your favourites bar to move the open tab to an EZproxy session.


  1. Make sure that your favorites list is visible. If it is still invisible, use this manual (opens new window) (opens in a new window) to enable it.

  2. On the EZproxy starting page, click "Reload via EZproxy", hold it and drag it into your favorites bar. 

  3. You can now use the Reload command: Go to an already open tab that has no EZproxy session. Click the Reload command in your favourites bar to move the open tab to an EZproxy session.


  1. Make sure that your favorites list is visible. If it is still invisible, use this manual (opens new window) (opens in a new window) to enable it.

  2. Create a placeholder for your EZproxy refresh button: In the EZproxy starting page, click the lock symbol on the left of your URL bar, hold it and drag it to your favorites bar. This creates a clickable button.

  3. In the EZproxy starting page, right-click the "Reload via EZproxy" command and copy the link. Now right-click the clickable button in your favorites bar from before, edit its URL and replace it with the copied link by pressing CTRL+V. Confirm by clicking enter. 

  4. Right-click the clickable button in your favorites bar and rename it to "Reload via EZproxy".

  5. You can now use the Reload command: Go to an already open tab that has no EZproxy session. Click the Reload command in your favourites bar to move the open tab to an EZproxy session.


  1. Make sure that your favorites list is visible. If it is still invisible, use this manual (opens new window) (opens in a new window) to enable it.

  2. On the EZproxy starting page, click "Reload via EZproxy", hold it and drag it into your favorites bar.

  3. You can now use the Reload command: Go to an already open tab that has no EZproxy session. Click the Reload command in your favourites bar to move the open tab to an EZproxy session.


  1. Make sure that your favorites list is visible. If it is still invisible, use this manual (opens new window) (opens in a new window) to enable it.

  2. Create a placeholder for your EZproxy refresh button: In the EZproxy starting page, add this page as a bookmark. If you don't know how to do this, you can use the manual we linked in the step before.

  3. In the EZproxy starting page, right-click the "Reload via EZproxy" command and copy the link. Now edit the bookmark in from before, edit its URL and replace it with the copied link by pressing CMD+V. Then close the dialog.

  4. Right-click the clickable button in your favorites bar and rename it to "Reload via EZproxy".

  5. You can now use the Reload command: Go to an already open tab that has no EZproxy session. Click the Reload command in your favourites bar to move the open tab to an EZproxy session.