Writ­ing con­sult­ing

30 min
Possible time periods
August 12-23, 2024: no time slots available
Mon: 9 am-5 pm (via Zoom)
Tue: 9 am-12 pm (on site or via Zoom)
Wed: 9 am-5 pm (on site or via Zoom)
Thu: 9 am-12 pm (on site or via Zoom)
Fri: 9 am-3 pm (via Zoom)
For whom?
All HNU members
Via mail to Timo Guter with one or two proposed dates (see possible time periods)

Which topics are there?

We give advice on:

  • finding your topic and your research question
  • outline and exposé
  • quoting and handling of citation software
  • individual problems in handling Microsoft Word (for installation problems: please contact HNU IT support)
  • writing a first draft
  • editing
  • plagiarism check

What is part of consulting - and what is not?

Consulting must not affect your test performance. Thus, there are several offerings missing from consulting:

Part of consultingNot part of consulting

Giving advice in the writing process, when having trouble or being uncertain in certain topics (see aforementioned section on topics).

Giving advice concerning the contents
Feedback on page layoutDoing layout formatting in Microsoft Word for you
Text feedback on individual text passagesText feedback on the complete paper (not step-by-step over several sessions, either)
Showing exemplary mistakesSearching your whole paper for all mistakes
Looking at the paper in your presence and giving advice on how to fix problems.Doing the work for you, neither in your presence nor in your absence
Individual advice on using citation software

Programming a new citation style: This takes far more time and testing. Please send citation style request via mail to the library. We will create the style within two weeks or will inform you otherwise.