Cita­tion soft­ware

Reference management software facilitates your scientific work:

  • Insert references into your paper with a single click.
  • Keep track of your literature.
  • Don't worry about a consistent citation style anymore.


Zotero is a free, open source software and runs on Windows, Mac OS and Linux distributions. Its interface and its citation styles can be used in German, English and many more languages.


EndNote runs on Mac OS and on Windows. It is the most widely used citation software in English-speaking countries and has an English interface.

Cita­tion styles at HNU

Find out about your professor's preferred citation style and download it on this subpage.

Ad­di­tional cita­tion soft­ware

Munich Technical University created a great comparison of relevant citation software (opens new window) (opens in a new window). Many softwares are free.

User education: protection of personal data when using cloud services of citation software

We support your scientific work with different solutions for literature management. With regard to the lack of a legally secure framework for the providers' online services, we would like to point out that you should observe the following in the context of official use:

Unpublished personal data of persons who do not use this service (case 1) should not be transferred unencrypted to the service's online storage offering, nor should data that is subject to special secrecy or protection (case 2):

  • Examples of case 1 include attendance lists or lists of participants at an event, but also transcribed interviews.
  • Examples of case 2 are, for example, non-anonymized surveys without explicit consent of the data subjects with reference to racial and ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or ideological beliefs or trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, health information, sex life or sexual orientation, and research contracts with confidentiality.

To the extent that permissible processing of third-party personal data occurs, you must comply with data protection regulations and ensure compliance with information obligations.