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Marlene in Norway

28.06.2023, Internship Abroad:

Marlene spent her internship in the Norwegian capital. Discover more about her experiences abroad and how they enriched her life.
Study Programme
4th Semester
MAN Truck & Bus Norge AS
Oslo, Norway
February to August 2023

What was your main motivation to go abroad?

It had been clear for a long that I wanted to do a semester abroad as part of my studies. However, the how and where were always open questions. But then I came across the job advertisement from MAN on the internet, and since Oslo is one of my absolute favourite cities, I applied for the internship. The country, the people, and the culture are so fascinating. It is beautiful to be able to live here for half a year.  Slowly, the days are getting longer, and it feels like the sun never sets.

The internship showed me what I can achieve, both professionally and personally.


What were your biggest concerns?

Of course I had concerns, but that's somehow part of it. However, after a short time in the city and the company, it became clear that these concerns were unfounded, and since then, I have simply enjoyed my time here "up here".

Would you recommend a stay abroad? Why?

Yes, definitely. Living abroad and experiencing a different culture is simply beautiful. There are so many new things to discover, people to meet, experiences to gather, and places to explore.

Fun Fact

The "Russefeiring" (Russ celebration) is a tradition that starts one month before the National Day (17th of May) and the final exams of high school students. All students in their final year celebrate the end of their school time for a month. They wear overalls in different colors (depending on their field of study) and distribute business cards with witty quotes. Even songs are composed specifically for the Russe period. After the end of the Russe time and the final exams, the students are considered adults.

What did you learn from your stay abroad?

I have had and still will have many positive learnings: the language skills that I was able to improve, the content of the internship, the life in Oslo, and the work culture, which is very different from the culture in Germany - in a positive sense. The people I had the opportunity to meet and the experiences that ensure I will never forget this semester.

Beautiful view of the capital of the Norwegian Kingdom

Were your expectations met?

Yes, my expectations were met and exceeded. Oslo is and will remain my favourite city, as it combines everything that, in my opinion, a good city should have. The internship has shown me what I can achieve, both professionally and personally. I have the opportunity to work independently on projects and implement ideas.


Impressions of Norway