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David in Finland

08.12.2021, Study Abroad:

David spent 10 months at our partner university in Oulu, Finland. Here you can read all about his experiences.
Study Programme
IMUK (Double Degree)
8th semester
3rd and 4th Semester
Host institution
Oulu University of Applied Sciences  (OAMK)
Oulu, Finland
August 2021 - May 2022


Erasmus+ (opens in a new window)  &  Deutschlandstipendium  &  Max Weber-Program

What was your main motivation to go abroad?

My biggest motivation to go to Finland was the combination with the Double Degree programme. In my opinion it's a unique opportunity that I really wanted to take advantage of. In addition, Finland is a country that many don't really have on their radar, so I found it particularly exciting.

The stay abroad definitely helped me to break down prejudices.


What were your biggest concerns?

I had the most respect for the Finnish weather, which is supposed to be particularly harsh in the winter months. -20°C are not uncommon and also the darkness can make it difficult. But just that is definitely worth an experience!

Would you recommend a stay abroad? Why?

Yes, definitely. You get to know a lot of new people from different countries, you can improve your English skills and at the same time you get to know a new education system. Above all, the Fins are a bit more liberal when it comes to grades, so it's a lot easier to get good grades. ;) Overall, I liked the country very much and because the university is not too stressful, there is also enough time for leisure activities. If you do the Double Degree in IMUK, you should  be aware that in Finland you will mainly take IT-heavy subjects (e. g. data analysis, CMS programs or app programming in React Native).

What did you learn from your stay abroad?

The stay abroad definitely helped me to break down prejudices.  You get to know so many people from different cultures that you realize that the view of the world you often have in your head simply doesn't match reality.

Lake Kuivasjärvi, located north of Oulu

Were your expectations met?

My expectations were not only met, but far exceeded! Finland is a great place to live and everyone went out of their way to make sure we had a great time. The profs and also the university really care about the well-being of the students and so it was no problem for us to postpone the deadline for a project by one month. :)


Fun Fact

Fins love their sauna! Although Finland has only about 5.5 million inhabitants, there are 2 million saunas.

Impressions of Finland