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Fa­bian Girschick in Hun­gary

08.04.2024, Train­ing :

Fabian Girschick spent a few days in Budapest as part of the IBS International Business School Staff Week in October 2023. Find out about Fabian Girschick's experiences here.

Fabian Girschick
Digital Content Manager InnoPROF, Diversity and Equal Opportunity Officer
Erasmus+ Staff Training Week
International Business School
Budapest, Hungary

October 2023

What was your main motivation to go abroad?

My main motivation was to get to know Budapest even better, to explore the IBS, and to exchange ideas about university life with colleagues from various universities. I hoped to return with new ideas and inspiration to broaden my horizons.

A Staff Week is truly a great experience and offers many different opportunities.

Fabian Girschick

Did you have any concerns?

Having participated in a student exchange in Budapest about ten years ago, I was already somewhat familiar with the Hungarian capital. Nevertheless, I had my doubts about finding vegan options, for example, or whether I would feel comfortable as part of the LGBTQIA+ community there. However, it turned out that there were indeed very good vegan restaurants, including ones right on the IBS campus. Moreover, I found most people to be very open-minded, and in some places, there were even stickers saying "Open for all."

Would you recommend going abroad? Why?

Yes, I would recommend a stay abroad at any time. On the one hand, it offers the opportunity to get to know other cultures better. On the other hand, it enables contact with numerous new people, which can lead to a valuable exchange.

Fun Fact

On my first evening, I went to a local barber who was definitely very dedicated and funny. Among other things, he played German music the whole time and even used a lighter and thread. Unfortunately, he caught my new nose piercing more than once, but you rarely experience such service in Germany. :)

What did you learn form your stay abroad?

A wide variety of things. Firstly, of course, many "professional" aspects and ideas, but also quite general facts. Among other things, portraits of Hungarian Nobel laureates were placed on the facade of the IBS. Before my trip, I wasn't aware that there were actually so many of them. Additionally, I had many amusing, interesting, and thought-provoking conversations and moments.

During an exploration tour, Fabian Girschick was enchanted by the nighttime beauty of Budapest.

Were your expectations met?

Yes, my expectations were definitely met – if not exceeded. A Staff Week is truly a great experience and offers many different opportunities.

Is there anything you would like to highlight about your experience abroad?

It is very interesting to see how universities in other countries are organised and function. There are indeed significant differences here, for example in the teaching structure (for example, entirely via an app) or on campus (for example, an amphitheatre on site).

Im­pres­sions of Hun­gary