Professorin Patricia Franzreb

Head of the Innovation Space

Head of the Centre for Media & User Experience

Deputy Women's Representative of the Department of Information Management

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1533

Location: Main Building A, A1.43

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Wileystraße 1
89231 Neu-Ulm
Patrizia Franzreb


In 2018, Prof. Patricia Franzreb developed the Creative Methods Card Set with the support of Prof. Danny Franzreb. The method card set comprises 64 human-centred design methods for the development of innovative new products and services as well as for the digitalisation or optimisation of existing ones.

"For over 1 year, we tested more than 100 methods from the fields of design thinking and user experience design in teaching and everyday agency work and finally summarised the most helpful methods with instructions and helpful tips in a card set."

In addition to the content, the feel and look also shine: lovingly designed, finished with UV varnish, the card set facilitates teamwork, creative processes, workshops, product development, testing and much more.

Order your Creative Methods Card Set now, stating your billing and delivery address:
cards[at]hnu[dot]de or directly at our post office.

Can be borrowed from the HNU library.

[Translate to English:] Foto von Creative Methods Card Set


Design and User Experience

Design always means communication. A designer's goal is to develop a consistent communication strategy and implement it consistently in different media. Overall, all this communication should inspire customers, be efficient and effective.

In addition to craftsmanship and a sense of aesthetics, good design requires above all the ability to work out a client's core message through a clear analysis and to develop a mission that inspires clients and supports them in their communication in the long term. In the field of media design the focus is on the conception, layout and implementation of a corporate design, an image or product campaign and the website for a specific client.

The UX Project is a practice-oriented project in which students work in small groups to develop or optimise individual products and services for cooperation partners from the business world. Proven human-centred design methods from design thinking and user experience processes are taught and applied in order to generate the highest possible added value for the future users. The customer briefing is followed by iterative phases of Understand, Define, Prototype and Testing until the final customer presentation. 

In the elective subject Info Design innovative visualisation possibilities are shown and applied. The processed information is presented at the end of the semester in the form of a print medium, film or digital application.


  • User Experience Project
  • Media Design
  • Info Design (WPF)
  • Human-Centered Design and Design Thinking (Master)


  • User Experience and Design Thinking Coach and Mentor
  • Since 2014 Head of the Competence Centre for Media and User Experience at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
  • Since 2012 Professor for Design and User Experience at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU)
  • 2012 Lectureship for Basic Design at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU)
  • 2010 Foundation of the agency Bureau Franzreb GmbH, creative direction and design thinking coach
  • 2009 to 2010 Art Director at Taobot GmbH Agency for Interactive Design & Digital Brand Management, Frankfurt
  • 2006 to 2008 Art Director and Unit Management at Martin et Karczinski, Agency for Corporate Identity, Design and Brand Consulting, Munich
  • 2006 Barcelona (Freelancer for Ideenhaus, JvM, etc.)
  • 2003 to 2006 Art Director (Massmann, Neußer advertising agency, Munich)
  • 2002 Diploma as communication designer at the University of Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Faculty of Design
  • 2000 Semester abroad in Chile, studied graphic design at the ARCOS Instituto de Arte y Communicaçion Santiago de Chile
  • Studied communication design at the University of Applied Sciences for Design, Würzburg-Schweinfurt



  • 3x IF Communication Design Award
  • 3x red dot Award
  • Adam Award – Gold
  • 2x DDC Award
  • 2x good Design Award
  • ddc Nomination
  • Advertising Yearbook

Exhibitions, fairs and conferences

Talks and conferences:

"Get creative. Be innovative." Talk at the IADE, Lisbon, 2018
"User Experience im Raum – Virtual, Augmented and Crossed Realities", UXC – User Experience Conference, Neu-Ulm 2018,
"Design Thinking Praxis Workshop", Innolution Valley Conference, Ludwigsburg 2017
"User Experience", UXC – User Experience Conference, Neu-Ulm 2016

Exhibitions and fairs:

Digital permanent exhibition: (opens in a new window)
Unnützes Wissen über unsere HNU – Exhibition and brochure for the 25th anniversary of the HNU, Neu-Ulm 2019
Unnützes Wissen über unsere HNU – Exhibition and brochure for the survey of the same name in the compulsory optional subject Infodesign, Neu-Ulm 2017
Unnützes Wissen über unsere HNU – Exhibition and brochure for the survey of the same name in the compulsory optional subject Infodesign, Neu-Ulm 2016
Heimat – Exhibition of the elective subject Infodesign, Neu-Ulm 2015
Occhio exhibition stand, light and building Frankfurt 2008
Occhio exhibition stand, euroluce Mailand 2007
Portraits, exhibition Munich, 2006
Kommod – combineable fashion, Würzburg 2002
Designvergnügen, Würzburg 2001