Mis­sion & Strategy

The Hochschule Neu- Ulm (HNU) is an international business school for innovation, sustainable entrepreneurship and digital transformation.

We educate...

  • internationally experienced,
  • solution-oriented thinking,
  • responsibly acting,

future shapers.

Intensive cooperation with companies in a dynamic economic region and the competence of the professors stand for high quality in applied research, practice-oriented teaching and innovative transfer.

We are

individual & cooperative

With us, the individual student is the focus of attention. Small study groups allow for personal and intensive supervision by the lecturers. The close exchange creates a familiar atmosphere and at the same time promotes interactivity, which also shapes the students' cooperation.

practical & cooperative

Our study contents are taught by lecturers with a high practical relevance due to their work in the economy. Optimal supplements are internship semesters and practical projects, for which we maintain close contacts with regional and national companies. This accelerates the transfer of knowledge and technology between the university and the economy, which benefits both companies and students.

international & hospitable

Our university culture is open-minded and hospitable. We cooperate with international companies and partner universities and promote stays abroad. In addition, we offer English-language courses, intercultural training and various language courses to prepare for the exchange and the international job market.

personality-forming & value-enhancing

Since we consider cultural, ethical and social competence to be just as important as professional competence, we offer an interdisciplinary and intercultural range of courses. This equips our graduates with valuable qualities that they need as leaders.

family friendly & service oriented

The aim of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences is to enable students and staff from teaching and administration to reconcile studying or working at HNU as well as possible with life outside. To this end, numerous measures are implemented in all areas of the university, e.g. the Advisory and Information Centre for Parents, Personal and Social Affairs (BIZEPS), the cultural programme with lectures, concerts and theatre as well as the university's own day care centre Kinderinsel.  Since 2008, HNU has been awarded the quality seal of the family-friendly university by the non-profit Hertie Foundation.

The uni­versity agree­ment

The university contract specifies the ten fields of action anchored in the "Framework Agreement Universities 2023 to 2027 - Agility, Excellence and Innovation for Bavaria's Higher Education Landscape" for the implementation of Bavaria-wide higher education policy objectives and defines HNU's individual goals and priorities for this period.

The uni­versity de­vel­op­ment plan

The University Development Plan forms the basis for the long-term, strategic development of Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences. It describes the vision and principles according to which the members of the university act, as well as the jointly developed goals and measures for the period up to 2025.