Stra­tegic part­ner­ships


The core of the network, which can be expanded in the future, is based on HNU's proven corporate cooperations. The cooperation partners, which include internationally active companies, industry leaders and medium-sized or family-owned companies, represent the regional industry mix.
The cooperation activities take place in the areas of teaching and further education (e.g. through projects and scholarships for students), knowledge and technology transfer (e.g. through exchange on research-relevant topics) and research (e.g. through joint research projects).


Ivanka Bur­ger

Head of Project Development, Transfer and Cooperations

Deputy Head of the Department of Higher Education Development

Phone: +49 731 /9762-2900

Location: Main Building A, A 1.04

To profile of Ivanka Burger

Ivanka Burger

Our part­ners