News on the sub­ject of sus­tain­ab­il­ity

Neu-Ulm Uni­versity fo­cuses on sus­tain­ab­il­ity with Brita wa­ter dis­penser

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Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences is setting another example of sustainability on campus. Since 27 April, a Brita water dispenser has been installed in the refectory for a period of six weeks.

Neu-Ulm Uni­versity is com­mit­ted to cli­mate-neut­ral print­ing

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HNU has long dreamed of being a paperless university, but in a world illuminated by screens, paper is a welcome change and often unavoidable. As a university, we have critically examined the topic of saving paper and the associated contexts.

The HNU sus­tain­ab­il­ity tree has borne fruit

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Since the summer of 2022, students as well as employees of Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) have had the opportunity to express their wishes and suggestions on the topic of sustainability in the tree crown of the sustainability tree in the library. After half a year, many ideas and suggestions have been found, which are now being taken up and discussed by the Sustainability Steering Committee.

HNU-Fairteiler coun­ter­acts food waste

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Leftover pretzels at an event at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU), surplus fruit and vegetables in a shared household or a full fridge before a holiday? Far too good for the bin, just right for the fair divider. Every person at HNU has free access to the Fairteiler and can take out or put in food free of charge.

La­bel the leaves of the sus­tain­ab­il­ity tree with your ideas

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Since the summer semester of 2022, a very special "work of art" has been hanging in the HNU library: The HNU Sustainability Tree. There, interested students and staff can find out which sustainable projects already exist at HNU and also add their own ideas for the future.

24h for your re­gion

Event for the development of sustainable solutions for regional challenges by students of the Verbundhochschulen as part of the StartupSÜD project.

House of Sus­tain­ab­il­ity moves into HNU Founders Space

The "House of Sustainability" has moved into the Founders Space at Neu-Ulm University. The aim is to create a creative place for everyone to shape the future of the region.

Health of­fers of the HNU

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Studying, part-time jobs, housekeeping, healthy eating, exercising and taking on responsibilities - studying brings many challenges. Our goal is to create a supportive environment where you can make the most of your studies. We offer you a wide range of resources and initiatives to promote your health and well-being.

HNU sci­ent­ist ana­lyses en­vir­on­mental and eco­lo­gical move­ments

In their new publication, academics Jens Boscheinen and Laurens Bortfeldt provide a retrospective of key environmental and ecological movements in Germany and combine this with an analysis of the current Fridays for Future movement.