HNU theses

HNU thesis data­base

The thesis database (opens new window) (opens in a new window) contains references (no full texts) of all diploma theses, bachelor theses and master theses written at the HNU of the last ten years (plus current year). You can request access to these theses if they don't have a blocking notice; details are given below.

The database is accessible on campus and via EZproxy (for HNU students and staff).

How can I read the full text of a thesis?

In the library, you can request access to HNU theses of the last ten years (plus current year); older theses are not available anymore. This is how you request a thesis:

  1. Please check the thesis database (opens new window) whether the thesis has a blocking notice. (Theses with blocking notices contain sensitive data and cannot be accessed.)
  2. Write down the inventory number ("Inventarnummer") of the thesis.
  3. Name the inventory number at the library service desk and deposit your Campus Card or ID card as security.

You can use the thesis within the library. You may copy the table of contents and the references, but not the actual content of the thesis. You cannot borrow the thesis but you can deposit it at the service desk for subsequent use.

Where can I find theses that were written elsewhere?

You can search the following databases for publicly accessible theses:

HNU pub­lic­a­tions

HNU Publications, especially HNU Working Papers, are freely available online. You can also find them in the library catalogue (opens new window) (opens in a new window).

Publications of individual authors are listed on the respective contact page.