New ac­quis­i­tions

HNU library frequently buys new media to provide you with all relevant information on your topic.

Ac­quis­i­tion Re­quest

If you have an acquisition request, please tell us by using this form. We would be glad to hear any suggestions.

Fields marked with asterisks ("*") are required.

Your personal data
Data on the requested item

Explanation: All data on this form is transferred securily and will be deleted when your request has been resolved.  This agreement can be revoked with prospective effect at any time. Fur further questions do not hesitate to contact the data protection officer of HNU ( Please note: You cannot send your data without agreeing to this procedure.

You can learn more about the processing of personal data in the data protection declaration of HNU library (in German) (opens in a new window).

Fields marked with asterisks ("*") are required