Cita­tion style APA (Vari­ante GM)

APA (Variante GM) is a footnote style with short references. It is described in the following documents:

You can download the citation style for the following citation softwares:


  1. Download the citation style (15 KB) (opens in a new window): Perform a right click and save it anywhere on your computer. Attention: Please use Firefox or Chrome but not Edge; download via Edge will not work. After saving, go to Zotero > Edit > Preferences > Cite. Click the plus symbol to add the citation style to Zotero and Microsoft Word.

  2. op­tional step

    Download the sample project (9 KB) (opens in a new window): Perform a right click and save it anywhere on your computer. Attention: Please use Firefox or Chrome but not Edge; download via Edge will not work.
    This project contains all examples given in the aforementioned guidelines. You can use them as templates for your own items.

Comments on the citation style
  1. Footnote indenting: Footnotes are created by Microsoft Word, not by the citation software. Therefore, the indent of 0.5 cm mentioned in the guidelines of APA (Variante GM) has to be added manually.
  2. Separator between multiple citations: The guidelines of APA (Variante GM) require you to use a comma between multiple citations, except for the last citation which is separated by "und". However, the citation software will put commas between all citations. You have to change this manually when finishing your paper:
    1. Save a copy of your word document.
    2. In the copy, please click the Zotero button "Unlink citations". This will remove Zotero from this Word document. Now you are free to edit any text.
    3. Keep the original word document as a backup: You may need to add or change a citation; and this will only update your already existing citations if they are still Zotero connections instead of plain text.


  1. Download the citation style (15 KB) (opens in a new window): Perform a right click and save it anywhere on your computer. Attention: Please use Firefox or Chrome but not Edge; download via Edge will not work. After saving, open the downloaded file in EndNote, then click File > Save As. The name you choose will be the name under which the style will be available in Word (video tutorial for importing the style (opens in a new window)). 

  2. op­tional step

    Download the sample project (9 KB) (opens in a new window): Perform a right click and save it anywhere on your computer. Attention: Please use Firefox or Chrome but not Edge; download via Edge will not work.
    This project contains all examples given in the aforementioned guidelines. You can use them as templates for your own items.

Comments on the citation style

When grouping references into the required reference lists, please note:

  • You have to group your references manually: in Microsoft Word, got to"EndNote>Convert Citations and Bibliography>Convert to Plain Text" and create a copy of your Word document without intelligent EndNote text.  In this copy, you can sort your references manually. 

Shortcomings of the EndNote citation style:

  • When there is information missing between Title and Place Published, EndNote cannot use the required separator (e. g. it will use a comma while the guidelines require a full stop).