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App de­vel­op­ment and app design: re­gister now for Girl's and Boys' Day at HNU"

09.02.2024, Press Release :

Discover your own interests and talents and get to know professions free of gender stereotypes: Girls' Day and Boys' Day on April 25 will give girls and boys from the eighth grade onwards the opportunity to discover study programs and job profiles in the fields of IT/technology and health at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU). Registrations are possible until April 18.

On Girls' Day, girls learn about professions or study subjects in which the proportion of women is below 40 percent, for example in the fields of IT, trades, natural sciences and technology. On Boys' Day, boys get a taste of areas in which the proportion of men is less than 40 percent, for example in the fields of health and care, education, training and social work. These action days enable young people, regardless of gender, to make a career or study decision based on their own interests, talents and personal motivation.

Girls' Day: app development made easy

Schoolgirls gain an insight into IT in the workshop "MEINE App entwickeln" (Develop MY app) by Professor Dr. Dany Meyer and Professor Dr. Erica Weilemann. Together, the participants learn how to program a small app themselves. Ten schoolgirls aged 13 to 15 can take part in this workshop; no previous knowledge is required.

Boys'Day: Design for a fitness app

How could an app be designed to provide motivation and incentive to live a healthier and more active life? What could the rewards look like that would overcome the inner pig dog? Pupils aged 14 and over can tackle these questions in a workshop with Professor Dr. Alexander Würfel. Again, no previous knowledge is required.

Further information can be found at and Registration is also possible there until April 18.

From July 29 to August 2, 2024, the second "AppInventors" summer school will take place, in which students from year 9 will learn to program their own apps for smartphones in one week. 

Contact persons for the Girls'Day and Boys'Day campaigns
Magdalena Fremdling, Scientific Officer for Gender Equality

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