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Fa­bian Girschick is HNU's new di­versity of­ficer

26.05.2023, Press Release :

In a university management meeting on May 23, 2023, Fabian Girschick was officially appointed Diversity Officer at Neu-Ulm University (HNU). His goal is a more diverse university life.

Girschick has been employed at Neu-Ulm University since February 2023 and, as digital content manager in the InnoPROF team, is driving forward various sub-projects on the topic of professorship. However, he also wants to be involved in diversity at the university and has therefore been HNU's diversity officer since the end of May. His goal is to promote the social, cultural and ethnic diversity of HNU employees. In addition to general, representative duties, he will take on and implement diversity projects at HNU. "I am really pleased to have been appointed as diversity officer," says Fabian Girschick. "Having studied at HNU myself, I know about students' concerns and can take them into account in my work to the best of my knowledge."

Currently, he is in contact with the student council, among others, which is planning an exhibition on the topic of "Pride" in June as well as other actions on the occasion of Pride Month. Here he advises regarding the contents. Fabian Girschick thinks: "Our society has never been as diverse as it is now. That's why it's important to stand up for the different interests - and at the same time to ensure even better togetherness and understanding for each other." He is ready to help shape and drive this change.

During his bachelor's degree in information management and corporate communications, which he took up in 2019, Girschick (24) joined the student initiative "move" to campaign for greater sustainability and social commitment. One of his particular concerns was to repeatedly address diversity issues. That's why he also carried out various campaigns, for example on World Aids Day, and started a queer student meeting place. He also wrote his bachelor's thesis on the topic of "Authentic LGBTQIA+ Marketing" and developed exemplary marketing campaigns for the Berliner Sparkasse and Deutsche Telekom.