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On the death of Prof. Dr. Bal­dur Kirch­ner

16.05.2023, Press Release :

Prof. Dr. Baldur Kirchner gently fell asleep surrounded by his family on April 17, 2023, at the age of 83. Kirchner was an honorary professor at Neu-Ulm University. For years, he was active at HNU as a lecturer and adjunct professor.

Prof. Kirchner was born in 1939 in Komotau, today's Czech Republic. He grew up in the former GDR and was influenced by Christianity. In 1962 he fled the regime. At the University of Tübingen he studied

Philosophy, Catholic Theology, Classical Philology and Modern Slavic Literary Studies.

In 1968 he received his doctorate, after which he ran a private high school where working people could catch up on their high school diploma.

At the beginning of 1972, the opportunity and prospect of becoming a freelance lecturer opened up to Kirchner. By the time of his death, Kirchner had accompanied more than 35,000 people in seminars and one-on-one sessions. He published his experiences with the human soul in several books and in hundreds of lectures and colloquia.

In 2011, at the suggestion of the Faculty of Business Administration, Kirchner was appointed honorary professor of Neu-Ulm University for his services in the field of business management under the aspect of a holistic view of the personality.

Neu-Ulm University mourns the death of Prof. Dr. Baldur Kirchner. Kirchner is survived by two sons and his wife Heidemarie. The sons continue the seminar activities under the name "Kirchner Seminars".

Our thoughts are with his family.