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Con­tact point for people in­ter­ested in found­ing a com­pany: Founders Space at HNU cel­eb­rates first an­niversary

15.12.2022, Press Release :

To create an innovative space for ideas, start-up projects and an exchange at eye level that is open to all those interested in founding a company: That was the goal of the Founders Space at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU), which opened as part of Founders Week 2021. In the meantime, the creative space at Wiley has developed into a proven contact point for start-up activities in the region. The one-year anniversary of Founders Space was now celebrated with an anniversary event.

The fact that Founders Space has continued to develop since its opening is demonstrated by its diverse range of offerings - opportunities that are being diligently exploited by motivated founding teams. At John-F.-Kennedy-Strasse 5-7 - directly opposite HNU - five permanent teams are currently working on their start-up ideas. These include OSORA, who are working on simulating the bone healing process; Predori, who are revolutionizing patent research; and the Unbound Camper team, who have developed an innovative camper concept. The teams, as well as co-workers, externals and freelancers, can fully dedicate themselves to their start-up projects in fully equipped offices, a co-working area and a common area with a living room atmosphere.

According to the motto "No idea is too outlandish", all teams receive continuous support

The Founders Space is primarily aimed at students, alumni and employees of HNU who are interested in founding a company, as well as their external cooperation partners and co-founders. In addition to the support of permanent teams, initial consultations and coaching of new teams take place here on a regular basis. The principle is that no idea is too outlandish and all teams are supported at every stage of their project. With this guiding principle in mind, a total of 41 teams have been supported in the last twelve months - including both KickStart-funded teams that have been able to develop initial prototypes and EXIST teams that have already made significant progress in their projects.

Meeting place for students, teachers, start-up teams and companies.

In order to get students in particular excited about the topic of founding, on-site events are organized on a regular basis. The SPACE SESSIONS format aims to invite people who have founded or started their own business out of their passion and to talk about challenges, successes and fallout in a relaxed atmosphere. Together with student initiatives, cultural projects, faculties and external speakers, more than 30 events have already taken place at Founders Space. At these events, the rooms are regularly filled with up to 80 students, teachers, start-up teams and, increasingly, direct neighbors of Founders Space. The work of Founders Space also focuses on close exchange with regional companies and the city. This has resulted in a number of collaborations with established companies such as Uzin Utz, Wanzl, Evobus and Liebherr. At formats such as THE TRIANGLE or the HNU Startup Dinner, founders had the opportunity to engage in direct exchange with companies and investors.

"House of Sustainability" in Founders Space makes regional contribution to sustainability

A recent example shows that the ambitions of the founding teams can also make a positive contribution regionally: the team of the "House of Sustainability," which has been an integral part of Founders Space since the beginning, won the Berblinger Innovation Award, worth 15,000 euros, with its concept of a repair café. The goal behind the idea is to establish a regional network with a workshop, storage space and mobile cargo bike to make the repair of large electrical appliances economically viable again.

Contact point, exchange platform, think tank: the doors of Founders Space are open again in 2023

Within a year, Founders Space, which was funded as part of the BMBF project StartUpLab@FH, has established itself from a shell to an initial contact point not only for start-up projects, but also for the exchange of ideas and entrepreneurial challenges. Next year, its doors will again be open to exciting teams, offbeat ideas and people who want to make a difference.

Founders Space
John-F.-Kennedy-Strasse 5-7
89231 Neu-Ulm 
+49 152 08463982
Instagram: hnufoundersspace