WORK­SHOPs for Fe­male Stu­dents

We want to support you in expanding your talents and skills. Our workshops offer you various opportunities to learn confident self-presentation in front of an audience. Perhaps you also want to think about planning your career? What does "career" mean to you, anyway? Maybe you are considering to expand your horizon? In all of these cases, you can collect practice-based experience in our workshops, which will help you in mastering all kinds of challenging situations.



Fre­quently Asked Ques­tions

Who can participate?

Our workshops are geared towards female students at HNU. If there are any free spaces, they are offered to HNU alumnae.

Students in continuing education at HNU can also register if there are spaces left.


How can I register for the programme and its events?

You can register via e-mail with Magdalena Fremdling. Registration is only possible with the following specifications: name, course of study and phone number. The spots in workshops are limted. If there is a high demand, there will be a wait list.


What is the participation fee?

The participation in the programme and its events is free of charge for all current and past female students of HNU.


Fur­ther In­form­a­tion

Events & Dates

Girls' Day and SummerSchool, workshops for university students, workshops and coachings for research assistants, informational events...

Team & Ad­vis­ory Ser­vices

We are glad to be here for you!


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LaKoF Bavaria commits itself to furthering equal opportunities for women in science, research, and teaching.