Bay­ern­Ment­or­ing - Fe­male Man­agers Sup­port Fe­male Stu­dents

Abschlussbilanz BayernMentoring_Gruppenfoto_mit Zertifikaten

We support our female students through our mentoring programme. Mentoring means that a female manager from industry and commerce advises and counsels a student, her mentee. Especially in higher semesters, experiencing role-models from the business world can be a great motivation. At our networking events, first-year students also have the chance to exchange ideas and experiences with higher-level students, and with the mentors.

At HNU, we have opened up BayernMentoring for all female students.

Applying for BayernMentoring PROFI, with mentors from industry and commerce, is possible from now on. You can find the application form here:

Fre­quently Asked Ques­tions

How can I take part in the programme?

If you want to take part in the mentoring programme with mentors from industry and commerce (BayernMentoring PROFI), you should be a student of a technical course of study in your third semester. Students from economical course of studies can participate from their fifth semester onwards. Master students can participate in any semester.

To register, please use the registration form for students.

BayernMentoring PROFI only starts in the winter semester.

How is BayernMentoring organised?

The mentoring programme consists of three components:


The mentoring relationship between student (mentee) and her mentor from the business world is at the heart of the programme - MENTORING.

Workshops and seminars provide the student and her mentor with additional inspiration for personal exchanges and individual development - TRAINING.

Regular meetings, during which mentors give insights into their career paths or keynotes on current leadership issues are offered, focus on exchange and networking between all participants - NETWORKING.


What is the duration of the programme?

BayernMentoring PROFI with mentors of industry and commerce runs for two semesters, from November to June of the next year.

The kick-off meeting usually happens at the beginning of November. The concluding event is scheduled for the end of June, before the examination period.


Whom can I contact for more information?

Magdalena Fremdling (opens in a new window) is the programme coordinator for BayernMentoring at HNU. Please register with her for participation in the programme, using the registration form PROFI.
Magdalena Fremdling takes part in the annual coordinator meetings at OTH Regensburg.  Together with the speaker of LaKoF for the Universities of Applied Sciences, she represents the programme at the National Association Forum Mentoring e.V.


Can I participate in selected events as a student?

You are welcome to participate in our network events and workshops. During the winter semester 2022_23, there will be a mix of ONLINE- and LIVE events at HNU. You can find all events and dates on our website and in the HNU event calendar.

Please register for the networking events via e-mail with Magdalena Fremdling.


Im­pres­sions ... Clos­ing Event 2022

It's still necessary for women to have each others' backs and to support each other. I am a big fan of BayernMentoring and can only encourage each female student to register and use the chance to be a part of this programme.

Leonie S. | International Corporate Communication and Media Management (M.A.) 2022

BayernMentoring has helped me to become more self-confident - to work on my goals. My mentor has supported me all the way. It has been an interesting, inspiring and strengthening time for me at HNU!

Alicia S. | Digital Health Management (M.A.) 2022

BayernMentoring has given me the unique chance to exchange ideas with many inspiring female leadership role-models. I always felt in control about the topics I wanted to address and how much time I was willing to invest. BayernMentoring has opened new doors for me.

Sophie W. | Informationsmanagement und Unternehmenskommunikation (B.Sc.) 2021

Fur­ther In­form­a­tion

Events & Dates

Girls' Day and SummerSchool, workshops for university students, workshops and coachings for research assistants, informational events...

Team & Ad­vis­ory Ser­vices

We are glad to be here for you!

Forum Ment­or­ing e.V.

(opens in a new window)

Forum Mentoring  - The Federal Association of  Mentoring in Science - is the only association of mentoring-managers at more than 400 German universities. BayernMentoring, as a programme of LaKoF, is an institutional member.