Why Study IT at HNU?

Do you want a future-oriented profession that allows for upward mobility? Are you interested in digitalization and want to actively participate in shaping this change process? Then a study programme with IT content may be just right for you!

"The world is constantly changing and digitalization will soon be everywhere. To be a part of this transformation is essential to me, because it allows me to create change and to have a say", says Lisa, who studies Di­gi­tal Health­ca­re Ma­nage­ment for a Master.

HNU offers a range of interdisciplinary study programmes with IT content, in order to do justice to the diversity that is needed for digital transformation. These programmes do not only teach IT skills, but also the basics of economics and one other area of focus, depending on the programme. Many dedicated female professors teach our practice-oriented courses which contain a large share of project work. HNU furthermore supports a gender-conscious design of teaching and studying activities.

We offer the following IT study programmes on the B.A. level:

No pro­gram­ming ex­per­i­ence yet?

No programming experience yet? Don't need it! The B.A. programmes do not require prior skills. There are also preliminary courses to enter the programmes in a playful way. And did you know that female high-school students tend to underestimate their mathematical abilities in comparison to male students?

Still not convinced? Hear what our female students have to say about why they like their study programmes so much.

What I like about my study programme is that it perfectly balances topics such as digitalization, economics and IT. All of these are highly relevant topics of high demand, which makes the entry into the job world easier.

Jenny | Digital Enterprise Management (B.Sc.)

IT is often equated with nerds and complex coding lines. In actuality, the profession is highly versatile. I see very good chances to establish a professional foothold for myself in this field. Through this, I will bring more female shares into the IT world, which is still very much male-dominated. 

Nicola | Data Science Management (B.Sc.)

In my bachelor studies, I was engaged in databases, programming, and statistics. This was fun and I wanted to learn more. IT is much more than programming. It's also about working as a team and developing products together.

Neha | Ar­ti­fi­ci­al In­tel­li­gence and Da­ta Ana­ly­tics (M.Sc.)

The colourful mix of design, economics and IT lends great variety to my study programme. Due to its many projects, the programme never becomes boring and provides great preparation for many professional fields later on.

Nicole | Informationsmanagement und Unternehmenskommunikation (B.A.)

It was my wish to study for a future-oriented profession and thus be a part of the digital transformation. Women should participate in this transformation just as much as men.

Chiara | Informationsmanagement und Unternehmenskommunikation (B.A.)

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Girls' Day and SummerSchool, workshops for university students, workshops and coachings for research assistants, informational events...

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