Elec­tronic Course Re­serves

Via Moodle (opens in a new window), teachers of the HNU can provide their students with key texts for their courses. The texts will thus be available at any time and place. The library scans the requested articles or book chapters and uploads them to the corresponding Moodle course. Please use the form on this web page for your request.

If you do not have a registered course on Moodle yet, please contact the Centre for Digital Teaching.

What are Electronic Course Reserves (ESA)?

Via ESA, you can provide your course participants with electronic copies of journal articles or small sections of text books (up to 15 % of a work) if access is password-protected (at the HNU: on Moodle (opens in a new window)). The sections may only be used for the purpose of illustration for teaching. Any commercial intent is prohibited.

The electronic copies have to be hidden by the responsible teacher as soon as the respective course is over.

Successive extraction of sections is not permitted if the aforementioned limitations are exceeded.

What has to be considered when using Electronic Course Reserves (ESA)?


When providing electronic copies of a work, the author's copyright has to be considered. Provision is allowed in the following cases:

acquired right of use: If the library has acquired a campus license for electronic usage, it is allowed to provide a link to the electronic copy.

compliance with § 60a UrhG: conditions for provision of text excerpts:

  • only a small part (up to 15 %) of the work is provided, or a whole small work (printed works up to 25 pages, musical notes up to 6 pages, movies and music up to 5 minutes, works out of print and single articles in an academic journal (only one article per issue).
  • for the purpose of illustration for teaching
  • with reference to the source
  • accessible only for a limited amount of course participants: Teachers have to use a password for their Moodle courses if these courses contain ESA materials. And the electronic copies have to be hidden by the responsible teacher as soon as the respective course is over.
  • Course must not serve commercial purposes (i. e.: ESA is not possible for Professional and postgraduate studies at HNU)

Electronic course reserves may also contain links if these links do not bypass any blocking systems. This means you can link to an e-book within the collection of the library or to any open access publication.

Form: Request electronic course reserves

Request a scan

Fields marked with asterisks ("*") are required.

User group
Requested article

For books:

  • author or editor
  • book title
  • publisher
  • ISBN

For journals:

  • journal title
  • year
  • issue

When filling out your request, please note § 60a UrhG (in German) (opens new window) (opens in a new window):  In general, only up to 15 % of a work can be provided via electronic course reserves. The following items are exceptions and can be provided in their entirety: graphics, individual articles from the same academic journal issue (but not from newspapers or magazines), other small works and works that are out of print. 

Explanation: All data on this form is transferred securily and will be deleted when your request has been resolved.  This agreement can be revoked with prospective effect at any time. Fur further questions do not hesitate to contact the data protection officer of HNU (dsb@hnu.de). Please note: You cannot send your data without agreeing to this procedure.

You can learn more about the processing of personal data in the data protection declaration of HNU library (in German) (opens in a new window).

Fields marked with asterisks ("*") are required