Cre­ate a lib­rary ac­count

For information on what your library card can do for you, please see the page Library for External Users

You must pick up your new library card in person at the library within 10 workdays.  You will be notified via email once your requested account has been created, usually on the next opening day. 

Please bring the following with you to pick up:

  • 5-euro bill to pay the account creation fee via your new library card. Unfortunately, a credit upgrade via EC card is only possible for amounts of 10 euros or more.
  • Your identity card (or passport with registration certificate or comparable official identification document with photo and address proving that you live within a radius of 80 km. Unfortunately, we cannot accept unofficial documents such as student IDs or documents without a photo or address (e.g. driver's license).

Fields marked with asterisks ("*") are required.

Your personal data

You have to be at least 14 years old in order to create a library account. If you are still under the age of 18, a legal guardian has to sign an assent form (in German) (PDF, 20 KB) (opens in a new window). Please bring the signed form when fetching your library card; alternatively, your legal guardian can accompany you and get the assent form at the library service desk.

Contact data

We suggest giving us your mobile phone number: By doing so, you enable us to quickly call you if we find your library card, your wallet etc.

Your affiliation with HNU, if any

I have taken note of the information on data protection according to Art. 13 DSGVO regarding the video surveillance systems of Neu-Ulm University (in German, opens PDF, 80KB) (opens in a new window). I agree that my access data will be stored and that these as well as the video recordings of the library will be evaluated subsequently in case of concrete suspicion of misuse.
This declaration of consent can be revoked by either party at any time with effect for the future with the consequence that I can no longer use the library.

Creating a library account entails a one-time fee of € 5,- that I will pay after fetching my library card: In the mensa, I will load money onto my library card (either at the cash machine or at the EC machine). I will then use this money to pay my fee at the self-payment station in the library entrance hall.

For whom does the account creation fee not apply?

Up front: agreeing to the account creation fee is a required field, which means you must always check the box.

The fee is not applicable in the following cases:

  1. For individuals with an existing library account. For the unstaffed opening hours introduced in 2023, we will need to obtain consent for video surveillance via this form and will also update your contact details in this process.
  2. For HNU graduates who still currently have an HNU student library account. In this case, since only the existing student account is being changed, the system will not generate an account creation fee. If, on the other hand, you no longer have an HNU student library account at the time of application, the fee will automatically be generated: if you do not wish to pay it, we will delete your account again so you do not have to pay it.

Explanation: All data on this form is transferred securily and will be deleted when your request has been resolved.  This agreement can be revoked with prospective effect at any time. Fur further questions do not hesitate to contact the data protection officer of HNU ( Please note: You cannot send your data without agreeing to this procedure.

You can learn more about the processing of personal data in the data protection declaration of HNU library (in German) (opens in a new window).

Fields marked with asterisks ("*") are required