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5,000 euros for in­nov­at­ive spirit: HNU an­nounces Trans­fer Prize 2024

18.12.2023, Press Release :

Innovative cooperation between universities and companies is part of the Bavarian-Swabian DNA. This wealth of innovation is now being made even more visible: together with the universities of applied sciences in Augsburg and Kempten, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) is awarding the Bavarian-Swabian Transfer Innovation Prize 2024, which is endowed with 5,000 euros per university. The prize is awarded to outstanding transfer projects between non-academic partners and one of the three universities that create added value for society in social, technological or economic terms.

Society meets science: this is the motto of the call for entries, which invites tandems between academia and practice to apply for the Bavarian-Swabian Transfer Innovation Award 2024. "There is a really high density of creative, pioneering transfer projects in the Bavarian-Swabian region," says Werner Martin, Managing Director of the Vöhlinschloss University Center and initiator of the Transfer Innovation Award, explaining the background to the competition. "As an association of three universities in the region, we want to make this wealth of innovation even more visible and specifically reward successful cooperation projects."

A total of three prizes - one for each university - will be awarded. The prize money totaling 15,000 euros is donated in the amount of 5,000 euros each by the three sponsoring associations of the participating universities; at HNU, the Förderverein der Hochschule Neu-Ulm e.V. "The transfer between the companies in the region and HNU is a very special concern of ours. By supporting the Innovation Award, we want to both honor and promote activities in this area," explains Günter Augustin, Chairman of the Friends' Association.

One of the successful teams can also look forward to a special extra: the town of Illertissen will also award an audience prize, which can be voted for via live voting during the award ceremony.

University members (as a team or individually) with at least one partner from business, society, politics and/or culture can apply for the Bavarian-Swabian Innovation Award until February 15, 2024. Details on the application procedure can be found in the call for applications on the HNU website:  

The winners will be announced on April 24, 2024 during an award ceremony at the Vöhlinschloss University Center (Illertissen). The award-winning projects will also be on display there in a poster exhibition following the award ceremony.

Transfer at HaW

In addition to teaching and research, the transfer of knowledge and technology to industry and society is one of the three pillars of universities of applied sciences (HaW). Together with cooperation partners, HNU shapes the regional innovation and start-up ecosystem under this umbrella, creates spatial, infrastructural and personnel opportunities for encounters and offers exchange platforms for the generation of ideas, knowledge and technologies.

Werner Martin

Further information
To the call for applications of the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences: 
To the call for applications at Kempten University of Applied Sciences: