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HNU stu­dent from Bul­garia re­ceives DAAD prize

01.12.2023, Press Release :

Outstanding academic achievements and extraordinary commitment: Sadika Madzharova, a full-time student on the Bachelor's degree course in Information Management and Corporate Communications at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU), has been awarded the DAAD Prize for her academic achievements and commitment at HNU.

HNU Vice President for Internationalization, Prof. Dr. Elmar Steurer, awarded the Bulgarian student the prize of 1000 euros during the International Week on 29 November at HNU. In his congratulations, he particularly emphasized the high level of motivation with which Sadika Madzharova has pursued the goal of studying in Germany since her high school days from 2010. He also praised her commitment as a tutor in the subject of web engineering, where she helps her fellow students to deepen their knowledge in this area. Mirjam Wenke, coordinator for international full-time students, also congratulated Sadika Madzharova on behalf of the entire HNU International Office team and presented her with the certificate.

The DAAD prize as an incentive for personal development

"It is a great honor for me to be awarded the DAAD prize and also an incentive to continue to develop and give my best. I would like to thank all the professors and staff at HNU and my family," said Sadika Madzharova after receiving the award.

Sadika Madzharova moved to Neu-Ulm after graduating from high school in 2015 despite her poor knowledge of German and an unfamiliar environment. She worked full-time as a waitress in the catering industry and learned German up to C1 level until she began her studies at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences in 2020.

Vice President Prof. Dr. Elmar Steurer and DAAD prizewinner Sadika Madzharova. (opens enlarged image)
Vice President Prof. Dr. Elmar Steurer and DAAD prizewinner Sadika Madzharova.