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1,000 new stu­dents: HNU im­presses with fu­ture-rel­ev­ant de­gree pro­grams, in­tens­ive prac­tical co­oper­a­tion and in­nov­at­ive teach­ing

02.10.2023, Press Release :

With now a total of 4,200 students, Neu-Ulm University (HNU) has further increased the number of its students at the start of the winter semester 2023 / 24. 1,000 first-year students, 650 of them in their first university semester, were welcomed by Vice President Prof. Dr. Julia Kormann on September 25 and welcomed to campus.

For several years now, HNU has been developing further with demand-oriented study programs, practical projects with companies and attractive study conditions. A concept for addressing prospective students in a gender-sensitive manner is also bearing fruit. For three years now, well over 4,000 students have been consistently enrolled at HNU, half of whom are female.

International university

HNU is also pleased to welcome 40 students from 19 partner universities in 14 countries to HNU in the winter semester. In addition, 220 full-time international students are enrolled at HNU. During the winter semester, HNU will enable 85 HNU students to spend a semester abroad at 36 partner universities in 20 countries; of these, six will complete a double-degree.

At the start of the winter semester, Prof. Dr. Julia Kormann, Vice President for Studies and Teaching, welcomed the freshmen in the large lecture hall. In her speech, she encouraged the new students to get involved at HNU, to take advantage of opportunities to help shape the university and to assume responsibility. But she went on to tell them: "Let us help you once in a while - because that's what makes a good community. We look forward to welcoming you all into our HNU community!"

As in the summer semester of 2023, the HNU Student Council organized an opportunities and initiatives market in the foyer, where student initiatives such as the Lions Club or Einstein Motorsport as well as HNU institutions were represented with booths.

Here, the International Office provided information about a wide range of international opportunities at HNU: internships, studies, summer school and a double degree program abroad - the International Office supports students in their plans.

Orientation phase

The orientation phase continued with an extensive program spread over five days, during which the freshmen were able to get to know university life and their fellow students. The program included a breakfast with Bavarian veal sausage, a guided tour of HNU, a city rally, a "Ersti" party and a "Kässpätzle" meal. In addition, the students were introduced to their respective courses of study and took part in the cross-course first semester simulation game. In the spirit of practical orientation, the students run a fictitious company, work on business tasks and make decisions.