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HNU is ex­cel­lent in the CHE Rank­ing 2023

10.05.2023, Press Release :

In May 2023, the current nationwide CHE Ranking 2023/24 will be published for the fields of business administration, law, social work, economics, business informatics, industrial engineering, business psychology, business law and economics. For this purpose, students were surveyed anonymously. Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) landed in top positions in areas such as support at the start of studies, the international orientation of the degree programs and practical relevance.

The CHE University Ranking team looked at the measurable facts about studying at Neu-Ulm University (HNU). In the bachelor's degree programs in business administration, business administration in healthcare and industrial engineering, the practical relevance is very high and the degrees are obtained in a reasonable amount of time. Business Administration and Business Administration in Healthcare received above-average scores for international orientation. In addition, all study programs scored very well in terms of support at the beginning of their studies. Prof. Dr. Julia Kormann, Vice President for Studies and Teaching, says: "It is very important to us that students feel welcome right from the start and have the best time of their lives at HNU."

In addition, students of Business Administration, Business Administration in Healthcare, Information Management Automotive, and Game Production and Management submitted their evaluations. HNU's rooms, library facilities and IT infrastructure scored particularly well. The students were also very satisfied with the career orientation programs.

About the CHE ranking

For 25 years now, the CHE University Ranking has been the most comprehensive and detailed comparison of universities in German-speaking countries, with around 120,000 students surveyed. The online version of the CHE Ranking 2023/2024 has been available since May 8 at and is a key part of DIE ZEIT's new portal: HeyStudium. The site contains information on nearly 22,000 degree programs and more than 300 universities in Germany and Austria based on the Higher Education Compass of the German Rectors' Conference. A new feature is the presentation of all CHE results on the basis of a 5-star scale, instead of previously in ranking groups. In addition, the new edition of the ZEIT study guide is published. In May, the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT will also report on selected subjects in the CHE ranking.

Kirschblüten an einem Baum vor der Hochschule Neu-Ulm (opens enlarged image)