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Di­gital and sus­tain­able value cre­ation sys­tems: new TTZ ap­proved

28.04.2023, Press Release :

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU), together with Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, has successfully applied for the establishment of a new Technology Transfer Center (TTZ), which in the future will drive knowledge and technology transfer on digital and sustainable value creation systems in the North Swabia region. The Bavarian cabinet approved the new TTZ this week; the transfer facility in the two cities of Leipheim and Aichach will begin its work before the end of the year.

Progressive digitization is proving particularly complex for small and medium-sized enterprises: They are confronted with massive changes in value chains and the need to adapt their business models - challenges that require cooperatively developed, innovative solutions to overcome. 

The North Swabia economic region will soon have a new partner at its side for this future task: Through innovative and application-oriented methods of digital planning and smart production, the TTZ "Digital and Sustainable Value Creation Systems" will increase the competitiveness of Bavarian companies in an increasingly data-driven world over the next few years.  

One technology transfer center, two locations: cooperative concept promotes synergies 

To this end, the two universities in Neu-Ulm and Augsburg have developed a cooperative concept that, with the support of the respective districts and municipalities, is dedicated to the field of value creation systems in two focus areas: "Digital Planning and Manufacturing" in Aichach (district capital of the Aichach-Friedberg district) and "Smart Production and Logistics" in Leipheim (Günzburg district). "Not least the corona pandemic has shown us how indispensable resilient and sustainable supply chains are," explains HNU Prof. Dr. Jürgen Grinninger, who is responsible for the focus topic in Leipheim together with Prof. Dr. Tobias Engel. "At the TTZ, we are shaping the transformation to the smart factory - in a real value creation system, we are applying technologies for planning and operating sustainable, networked production and logistics to support the competitiveness of regional companies."

Another step by the region toward digital transformation and sustainability

The Free State of Bavaria supports technology centers as part of the High-Tech Agenda (HTA) in order to strengthen the development of key technologies, especially in rural areas. After the TTZ Günzburg, the TTZ Nordschwaben is already the second technology transfer center of HNU. "As a cornerstone of the regional innovation system, HNU is shaping the digital transformation and the shift toward sustainability," said HNU President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser. "The HTA and the implementation of the transfer offensive 'Hightech Transfer Bayern' pave the way for this important future task. As a commitment to technology and a strong signal for the connection between science and industry in Bavaria, the approval of the new TTZ now brings us a huge step forward."

The successful application was supported by expressions of interest from all regional associations from industry and trade as well as from local companies from various sectors. The district of Günzburg and the town of Leipheim are also intensively involved in the application-oriented research facility. "The TTZ in Leipheim is another important step towards the development of an ecosystem of university - company - municipality - society, which addresses the economic area characterized by medium-sized companies," says District Administrator Dr. Hans Reichhart. "The exchange process between business, science and the community and the planned research and transfer measures will provide particular added value to sustainably strengthen the innovative power in the district and the neighboring regions." The city of Leipheim will also benefit in particular, which will now have another important pillar after the Digital Business Incubator and the Systems Engineering course. Mayor Christian Konrad is pleased about the settlement: "In recent years, we have already initiated numerous measures in the areas of start-ups, education and innovation. The TTZ is another important building block that will give the future security of the location a further boost."    

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Grinninger

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Presentation of certificate; from left to right: Dr. Hans Reichhart, District Administrator of the Günzburg district; Judith Gerlach, State Minister for Digital Affairs; Christian Konrad, Mayor of Leipheim; Prof. Dr. Jürgen Grinninger