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Cor­por­ate Ven­tures & In­vest­i­tionen in Star­tups

31.03.2023, Press Release :

Second StartupSÜD SUMMIT on May 3, 2023 helps companies to get the next boost in innovation and brings regional business together with startups and players from the start-up ecosystem.

Cooperation between established companies and startups is an increasingly popular way to drive innovation and open up new business areas. Investing in startups can offer a variety of benefits for companies. For example, they can provide access to new technologies, talent and customers, and improve the company's ability to react quickly to changes in the market. But how can successful cooperation between startups and established companies be designed? What can an investment in startups look like and what advantages and disadvantages does it offer both sides?

The second StartupSÜD SUMMIT, which will take place on May 3, 2023 under the motto "Innovation boost for companies - corporate ventures & investments in startups" at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, is dedicated to these questions. In addition to well-known speakers from business, such as B. Frank Ilg, Head of Innovation at Peri, or Katja Ruhnke, Managing Director at CK Venture Capital, more than 40 regional and national startups present their offers and business ideas at the StartupSÜD SUMMIT. Inspiring lectures and in-depth expert panels are also intended to give an insight into the future of the economy, new players in the region and the practical business and start-up support provided by the federal government and universities. This offers the opportunity to actively promote the economic region and make it one of the most innovative regions in the country.

The event is realized by the joint project StartupSÜD of the regional universities of Biberach, Neu-Ulm, the University of Ulm and the Technical University of Ulm in close cooperation with the IHK Ulm and the IHK Schwaben. Further information on the StartupSÜD SUMMIT and contact options for StartupSÜD can be found at

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