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Work­ing to­gether for greater in­nov­at­ive strength: HNU enters into stra­tegic part­ner­ships with re­gional com­pan­ies

09.02.2023, Press Release :

From network to utility network: Neu-Ulm University (HNU) concludes cooperation agreements for strategic collaboration with companies from the region. The new network, which is unique in this form, is intended to promote innovative strength in the region in an even more targeted manner in the future, as well as to serve to secure skilled workers and to expand international competitiveness. On Wednesday, February 8, the agreements were signed in the Innovation Space of Neu-Ulm University (HNU).

The basic idea behind the new network is that more can be achieved by working together than by going it alone. This motto has characterized the cooperation between HNU and individual regional companies for decades, for example in the organization of concept seminars or practical semesters. Now these activities are being bundled and expanded in a concerted effort to increase their impact: Together with regional companies, HNU is founding a network that brings together expertise, contacts and ideas from the university and industry and thus enables current challenges to be tackled in an even more targeted manner - in the region, but also with international impact.
The core of the network, which can be expanded in the future, is based on HNU's proven business collaborations. The cooperation partners, which include internationally active companies, industry leaders and medium-sized or family-owned companies, represent the regional mix of industries.

Starting signal for joint further development: initially ten companies sign the new strategic partnership

The starting signal for the new network was given on Wednesday in the Innovation Space of the HNU. During the kick-off event, these companies committed with their signatures to jointly develop synergies and further develop competencies with HNU: Beurer GmbH; BITE GmbH; HENSOLDT Sensors GmbH; Liebherr Group of Companies; PERI SE; Seifert Logistics GmbH; SGP Schneider Geiwitz Wirtschaftsprüfer Steuerberater; Spherea GmbH; Teva GmbH; and UZIN UTZ SE.

"In view of the challenges we face as a university, as a company and as a society, there is an urgent need to pool resources intelligently and break new ground," said HNU President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser in her speech. "If we bring together our expertise, our network and our innovative power and use them in a targeted manner, we have the chance to achieve truly great things." The great benefits of the new agreements were also confirmed by Julian Utz, member of the board of UZIN UTZ SE: "The strategic partnership is another key to effective transfer between science and industry at the Ulm / Neu-Ulm site. New joint perspectives and initiatives allow us to grow together and create creative solutions in dealing with the digital transformation."

Future cooperation activities will take place in the areas of teaching and continuing education (e.g., through projects and scholarships for students), knowledge and technology transfer (e.g., through exchanges on topics relevant to research) and research (e.g., through joint research projects).