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Neu-Ulm Uni­versity of Ap­plied Sci­ences again awar­ded the audit fam­ily-friendly uni­versity cer­ti­fic­ate

19.10.2021, Press Release :

Neu-Ulm University (HNU) has secured the family-friendly university audit certificate for the fifth time and has now received confirmation of this from the berufundfamilie Service GmbH board of trustees. HNU's current family-friendly measures include the introduction of part-time study courses and the increased use of digital formats.

With the renewed re-audit, Neu-Ulm University retains the certificate, which is considered a seal of quality for a strategically designed family- and life-phase-conscious personnel policy. "The compatibility of family and career is firmly anchored in our mission statement. The renewed award recognises our tireless efforts and at the same time it is an incentive for us to continue to make progress in this area!" says the President of Neu-Ulm University, Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser.

Previously, Neu-Ulm University had successfully gone through the dialogue procedure for the audit, which is open to employers who have been pursuing a strategically designed family- and life-phase-conscious personnel policy for at least nine years with the audit. Neu-Ulm University was first awarded the audit certificate in 2008. After this first certification and two re-audits, the second dialogue procedure has now followed. The aim of the dialogue procedure is to maintain the high level of development of the family- and life-phase-conscious personnel policy and to use the optimisation potential in individual selected areas.

Current measures at Neu-Ulm University with regard to family friendliness
In order to ensure the quality of the certificate, a further dialogue procedure will have to be carried out in three years' time. Current measures to reconcile studying, work and private life at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences include, for example, securing successful study courses by introducing part-time study courses, the use of digital formats and innovative forms of cooperation for the further development of cooperation and teaching with the aspects of quality assurance and flexibility, and the conceptual work on "digital leadership, digital employeeship and digital studentship".

Logo "Certificate since 2008" audit familiengerechte hochschule. (opens enlarged image)
Logo "Certificate since 2008" audit familiengerechte hochschule.