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Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister elec­ted third Vice-Pres­id­ent of HNU

09.07.2021, Press Release :

Neu-Ulm University (HNU) has a new Vice-President: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister will be part of the university management for the next three years together with HNU President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser, Vice-President Prof. Dr. Julia Kormann, Vice-President Prof. Dr. Thomas Bayer and Chancellor Marcus Dingel. The University Council elected Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister by postal vote. 

Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister has had a lasting impact on the development of Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences for many years and is committed as Strategic Director of Continuing Education and Head of the degree programmes Management for Health and Care Professions and Leadership and Management in Health Care. As the third vice-president, she will strengthen the university management from 1 September 2021. "I am looking forward to anchoring lifelong learning even more at HNU in close networking with the requirements of our regional companies and medical institutions," said Prof Dr Schafmeister after her election. "Digital transformation and healthcare are the major challenges of the future, for which we as a university want to make a continuous contribution to skills development with our education and continuing education programmes."

Strategic and forward-looking: continuing education takes on greater significance

HNU President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser congratulates the new Vice President on her election. "Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister is the ideal choice for the position of Vice President for Continuing Education and Interdisciplinary Health," says Feser. "The continuous growth of the Centre for Continuing Education at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences is thanks to her dedication and competence. The area of continuing education will have a higher status in the new Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act and thus it is strategic and forward-looking to reflect this in the composition of the university management."

Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister presented herself to the University Council at the end of June 2021 as a candidate for the office of Vice-President. This year, the election was conducted by postal ballot, with the deadline for voting being 4pm on 8 July 2021.  

The career of Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister

After her studies in education at the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster with a degree in education and economics at the University of Wuppertal with a degree in economics, Prof. Schafmeister completed her doctorate on the topic of "Corporate and personnel strategies in the field of tension between integration and differentiation using the example of the German chemical industry" at the Faculty of Economics, University of Wuppertal. She then gained many years of management and project responsibility as an authorised signatory in the areas of personnel and organisational management in a focal hospital and worked as a consultant for various projects of healthcare institutions in the personnel and organisational area. In 2009, she was appointed to the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, where she began teaching the subjects of hospital management, management of care facilities, marketing, and personnel and organisation. Since 2014, Prof. Schafmeister has been the Strategic Director of Continuing Education.

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