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New Bach­elor's and Mas­ter's de­gree pro­grammes at HNU

30.04.2021, Press Release :

Several new Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes will start at Neu-Ulm University (HNU) in the winter semester 2021/22.  In autumn, a new part-time degree programme will also start at the Centre for Continuing Education (ZfW) at HNU.


The focus of the two new interdisciplinary Bachelor's programmes Digital Enterprise Management and Data Science Management is on practice-oriented education in the fields of management, digitalisation and innovation:

    Digital Enterprise Management (B.Sc.): The Digital Enterprise Management degree programme is aimed at students who want to enrich the digital world with their own ideas, are interested in the digital transformation in society and companies and have a desire to design apps. In practice-oriented study projects, students develop skills to comprehend, design and market intelligent solutions.
    Data Science Management (B.Sc.): The Data Science Management degree programme is aimed at students who are interested in the world of data, who are enthusiastic about artificial intelligence and who can be fascinated by connections and patterns found through data analysis.

The content of the new Master's degree programmes is also largely related to digitalisation, each with a different focus such as in the area of start-ups, SMEs or the healthcare industry.

    Master of Digital Transformation and Global Entrepreneurship (M.Sc.): The Master of Digital Transformation and Global Entrepreneurship is an English-language, international and online-based degree programme that equips future global entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and young scientists with skills in the areas of global entrepreneurship, digital transformation and research. Students acquire the knowledge and skills to take up a professional activity in international companies as well as further academic qualification within the framework of a doctoral programme.
    Master of Digital Innovation Management (M.Sc.): The programme "Digital Innovation Management" guarantees both the connection to a young, international research direction as well as the direct reference to current entrepreneurial challenges and provides direct insight into current topics of medium-sized companies and global market leaders in the region. The programme is specifically designed to prepare students for a range of key positions in the field of digitalisation at companies and also includes cross-cutting topics such as leading consulting projects or training in communication skills and a convincing line of argument.
    Master of Digital Healthcare Management (M.A.): The healthcare industry is becoming more digital: the Master Digital Health Management prepares students for this in a multidisciplinary education. As future healthcare professionals and managers, students gain in-depth knowledge in the areas of digitalisation, Working World 4.0 and in the processes of healthcare. Graduates also have the opportunity to take up further academic qualification in a doctoral programme.

At the Centre for Continuing Education, there is also a new bachelor's degree programme that can be studied while working and without an Abitur. A virtual information evening will be held for this on Monday, 14 June 2021, from 5:30 p.m. Registration via

    B.A. Digital Management and Technologies: The classical, business administration subjects are given a special place in the study period, as are the information technology subjects. The programme is supplemented by subjects such as digitalisation and new technologies, future-oriented working methods (agile methods, design thinking) as well as intra- and entrepreneurship. Beyond the scientific and methodological qualification, the study programme serves in particular the acquisition of personality-related key qualifications and reflection competences for the assumption of personnel management tasks. The teaching of learning content and the exchange of students takes place increasingly online and virtually in this degree programme. The attendance time at Neu-Ulm University is approximately eight days per semester.

Studentin der Hochschule Neu-Ulm (opens enlarged image)
Studentin der Hochschule Neu-Ulm