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HNU signs charter "Fam­ily at the Uni­versity"

20.11.2020, Press Release :

The Hochschule Neu-Ulm (HNU) is a member of the Best Practice Club "Family in the University", the largest active network for family friendliness at German-speaking universities with around 120 member universities.

Prof. Dr. Uta. M. Feser, President of Neu-Ulm University (HNU), signed the charter of the same name in mid-November. In it, the HNU commits itself to a series of goals which are intended to improve the situation of students and employees with family responsibilities in the long term. "This concerns, for example, the continual improvement of studyability," says Prof. Dr. Claudia Kocian-Dirr, women's representative at the HNU. In addition, the university benefits from the experience of 120 universities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland that are involved in the field of family issues through intensive networking and collegial exchange. The charter "Family in Higher Education" represents a voluntary commitment as well as a commitment to a family-friendly orientation in all areas, and has been developed by higher education institutions for higher education institutions. HNU was accepted into the Best Practice Club at a digital general meeting on 19 November 2020.

Family-friendly University Neu-Ulm

"The best possible compatibility of work or studies and family is a central concern of HNU. By signing the charter, we are sending a further signal of our efforts to continuously develop our family-friendly orientation," says Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser. After all, membership in the best practice club "Family in the University" is only one of several building blocks for family friendliness at HNU: The university also offers a family-friendly infrastructure, which includes a parent-child office (which can be used by employees and students), a breastfeeding and nappy-changing room, play and reading corners as well as high chairs in the cafeteria, where students' children can also eat free of charge. Another service is the advice and information centre for parents, personal and social affairs, the BIZEPS family service centre. Among other things, it is a contact point for students with children, for people who care for relatives or for counselling in special life situations.

[Translate to English:] Prof. Dr. Uta. M Feser, Präsidentin der HNU, unterzeichnet die Charta „Familie in der Hochschule“ (opens enlarged image)
[Translate to English:] Prof. Dr. Uta. M Feser, Präsidentin der HNU, unterzeichnet die Charta „Familie in der Hochschule“